And a good redneck morning to all. Prophet Sallami Sallami Mohammed here to let you know that all you neocons out there really need to listen to those wonderful Democrats.
See? Leaving Iraq before the mission is done wouldn't be a bad thing. And, we promise not to take advantage of a withdrawl timetable. While you are at it, why not leave Afghanistan, as well as the whole Middle East? You know that you are the cause of all the terrorism, right? If you would just listen to the Democrats, you would know.
Why do you neocons not listen to the Democrats? They are smarter, more worldly, and more enightened then conservatives. This guy is going to have to listen to the Democrats
Senate Democrats, impatient to start withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq will inject a new political dynamic into the debate over the war beginning today as they question the military's top Middle East commander for the first time since their party swept into control of Congress this month.
Army Gen. John P. Abizaid, head of the U.S. Central Command, which oversees American forces in the Middle East, will face questions on the violence in Iraq and what it means for the roughly 145,000 U.S. troops there during scheduled testimony today before the Senate Armed Services Committee, senators from both parties said.
Other smart Democrats are saying you should leave, too
Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), a committee member who joined with 40 other senators in backing the resolution six months ago, said in an interview: "The best approach is to clearly state the policy to begin redeployment. The critical problems . . . are political in nature," not military, he said.
They are smart people.
Deluded Bush supporters and neocon's with open trackback: third world county, Diane's Stuff, Right Truth, The Conservative Cat, Right Wing Nation, Blue Star Chronicles, Basil's Blog

Bolton doomed, Israel in the cross-hairs, politics as usual and Open Trackbacks…
Just when the United States and Israel need a strong voice at the United Nations, when Iran’s nuclear program is almost complete, some Republicans are joining with Democrats to keep John Bolton out. Iran is now training al-Qaeda terrorists and…
Generals Call Democrats in Congress “naive”…
Once again the politicians seem to think they know more about the Iraq war than the experts and the Generals are saying that congressional Democrats are “naive” in their thinking. Could this be the politically correct way of calling them “stupid”? …