You remember Cynthia, right? She is the Congress Critter who hit a cop and got away with it, and thinks that 9/11 was an inside job.
In what was likely her final legislative act in Congress, outgoing Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney announced a bill Friday to impeach President Bush.
The legislation has no chance of passing and serves as a symbolic parting shot not only at Bush but also at Democratic leaders. Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, has made clear that she will not entertain proposals to sanction Bush and has warned the liberal wing of her party against making political hay of impeachment.
McKinney, a Democrat who drew national headlines in March when she struck a Capitol police officer, has long said that Bush was never legitimately elected. In introducing her legislation in the final hours of the current Congress, she said Bush had violated his oath of office to defend the Constitution and the nation's laws.
You know that the Lefties will embrace her even more, now. They have already started at the Demaloon Underground, in a thread worth watching, as well as this one.
Commenting on her insanity is barely worth the effort. What is more interesting to me about the CNN article is their tone. They seem to breathlessly praise her fortitude, repeating the weird talking points about Bush "not being elected," repeating the domestic spying idiocy (proving that they either do not understand the issue or are purposefully distorting the program), and bring up wacky 9/11 conspiracy theories.
Compare it to their article on the last acts of the GOP Congress. CNN inserts their own digest of the AP article on the front page
Limping off stage, the Republican-led Congress passed a bevy of bills big and small, reviving expired tax breaks, normalizing trade with Vietnam and opening the Gulf of Mexico to new drilling.
No bias at CNN, eh?
As a sidebar, don't forget, "All told, the tax cuts would cost $38 billion over five years." I wonder if the reported and management at CNN and the AP have sent in extra money to the IRS.
Linked to: Stop The ACLU, Basil's Blog, The World According To Carl, MacBro's Place, Woman Honor Thyself, The Conservative Cat, Cao's Blog, Perri Nelson, Blue Star Chronicles

I have a theory on her “parting shot” which is that she is catering to the extreme leftists who have a deep and utter contempt for President Bush. And she believes she can use this to get elected to a Georgia State congressional seat. If anyone thinks McKinney has given up on a political career, they’re sadly mistaken. She has had a taste of political power and she’s now addicted to it. McKinney can never be happy unless she’s in some sort of control whether real or imagined. Personally I believe she has some mental illness issues she needs to deal with via counseling and/or medications, but Georgians haven’t seen the last of her.
She just makes me want to hurl! What a dopey idiot! People still saying the election was stolen need to seek mental help! And as for 9/11 being an inside job–GOOD GRIEF! Get a grip on reality!
What can we expect from the Crescent News Network hun..great post and ty for the link!.:)