Uh oh
An Air Force staff sergeant who posed nude for Playboy magazine has been relieved of her duties while the military investigates, officials said Thursday.
In February's issue, hitting newsstands this week, Michelle Manhart is photographed in uniform yelling and holding weapons under the headline "Tough Love." The following pages show her partially clothed, wearing her dog tags while working out, as well as completely nude.
I'll let the Air Force worry about the rest.
She even has her own My Space page.
Photo's? (Safe for work)
The DUmmies are even have some seething issues in a thread about her. Crazy liberals.
Rob at Say Anything is not impressed.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson's Website, The Random Yak, Adam's Blog, Right Truth, Big Dog's Weblog, basil's blog, The Amboy Times, Phastidio.net, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Wake Up America, Rightwing Guy, The HILL Chronicles, third world county, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, stikNstein… has no mercy, The World According to Carl, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart Michael Manhart (google bombing is just so wrong )

and people expect women in the Military not to be harassed and to be accorded respect when women like this do everything they can to reduce themselves to sex objects?..puleeze!..she is a disgrace to her uniform..oh wait…I guess she prefers the male attention when she’s out of uniform huh.
I will let the Air Force worry about whether she violated any rules.
Regardless, she is pleasant to look at. She is probably no dummy to be teaching in the Air Force. Beauty and brains, what a great combination….
Good luck with that…
Train up imams in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it… That’s what Germany thinks and they are trying to get the entire European Union behind them. Germany’s Interior Minister Wolfgang…
I saw her interviewed today and she said her dream has always been to be a model and/or actress. She says her husband has no problem with it at all.
Yup, to all. I have pretty much stayed out of any sort of thought positive or negative (though she did do wrong, according to the rules)
It looks like her myspace account has been removed. Too bad.
I have a tough time with this one. Though I LOVE to look at pretty girls, especially those capable of kicking my ass, I have to side with the military. She broke some clear rules. People have been discharged for less. I hope this isn’t the last we see of her, though.
[…] Midday Cute: Hottie Air Force Sergeant In Trouble […]
michelle phots are very hot
i would like to hearefrom michelle by e-mail thank you
to special sweetheart the phots are very hot and i wll be clooking forward to hearing from you thank you arthur
you are very hot
you and your phots are very hot
They said she didn’t meet the, “high standards we expect of our airman”. She served her country in the military since 1995, (12 years) but that doesn’t count. Keep in mind this is the same brass at the top that wanted to try those two Navy Seals or Special Forces guys for killing a terrorist a few months ago. The same administration that has Dick Chaney bragging about his lesbian daughter and the same people who say it is permissible to torture and water board people if you think they have information you want! This girl did nothing but raise morale of the troops by just looking at pictures of her. Also the same administration responsible for almost 4,000 Americans dying in a far off land so we can continue to get enough oil for our excessive needs. Had she been a sniper and killed a bunch of Iraqi “insurgents”, she would have gotten a medal or two for it. Of course we have a governor of NY who wants to give illegal immigrants state drivers licenses so they can drive and take jobs away from true Americans. Is it any wonder their approval rating is almost in the single digits? They are totally lacking in common sense. Also, remember the, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy still in use.
[…] 01/12/07: Political Arguments What makes news about about a statement is its political incorrectness, but what really matters is whether it’s an emotional argument or an intellectual one…. Pirate’s Cove: […]