Remember in the way back machine, when rented democratic contender John Kerry admitted he didn't read a crucial intelligence assessment on Iraq, after asking if President Bush had? Well, UN General Secretary (rather commie sounding, eh?) Ban Ki-moon shows he likes to bloviate without reading, too
NAIROBI (AFP) – United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon has warned that climate change had driven the world to a "critical stage," directly affecting human health and the environment.
"The world has reached a critical stage … despite our best intentions, the degradation of the global environment continues unabated," Ban said in a message to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) conference in Nairobi on Monday.
Amid concerted calls for global action to stem further damage, Ban vowed to make the divisive climate issue "one of my priorities as secretary general."
As previous posts have shown, that is not what the report actually stated. In fact, the report isn't even scientific, what with all the "likely's" and "very likely's." I mean, the report states a rise of .2 degrees celcius over each of the next two decades is a likely result. Point. Two. That is it. Let's all give up our lifestyles for point two. Perhaps Ban Ki-moon could give up flying around the world, as well as the limo he certainly has to drive him to work at the UN building.
The story fable writer proves he/she didn't read the report, either
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, its first for six years, said fossil fuel pollution would raise temperatures this century, worsen floods, droughts and hurricanes, melt polar ice and damage the climate system for a thousand years to come.
No, no, no. Again, that is not what the report states. I guess reading the report would hurt the ability to write a bad story about mankind.
"We urge our friends from the developed world to join hands with us from developing countries to bridge the ever-increasing gap … to take economic development to greater heights to benefit the environment" said Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki.
"We got ours, we don't want you to have yours." I'm sure that is a great comfort to the people in developing countries, living in squalid conditions. The ability to stave of death by disease, such as malaria, has already been taken away, in the form of DDT, shown to be safe. Now the "climate change" disciples want to make sure they stay in squalid, third world conditions.
As a final thought, if this is one of his priorities, what of international terrorism and the spread of Islam by swordpoint? How about the deplorable conditions of women in Islamic countries? Reform of the UN's ethics? Will those be on the docket? I would hope so, considering they are real man made issues, unlike "climate change," which is primarily a result of natural forces.
Meanwhile, the pack ice in Iceland is growing. Go figure. Now the residents have to worry about bears from that dastardy climate change.
Hungovered to Perri Nelson’s Website, Mark My Words, third world county, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, basil’s blog, DragonLady’s World, Dumb Ox Daily News, High Desert Wanderer, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Conservative Thoughts, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.