Terrorism at work (from MSNBC)
Two homemade bombs exploded on a train headed for Pakistan, setting off a fire that swept through two cars and killed at least 66 people. A government minister said the violence was aimed at undermining the peace process between India and Pakistan.
Authorities said two suitcases packed with unexploded crude bombs and bottles of gasoline were found in cars not hit in the attack, leading them to suspect the fire was set off by an identical explosive device.
“It’s sabotage — it’s an act of terrorism like the one in Mumbai,” Railway Minister Laloo Prasad told reporters in Patna, India, referring to serial bomb blasts in Mumbai last July that killed 186 people. “This is an attempt to derail the improving relationship between India and Pakistan.”
Said blast in Mumbai was the supposedly the reason that myself, along with 16 other websites, including Yahoo pictures, were banned in India. I wonder who will be banned this time? That might be a little insensitive, seeing as how it is unknown, or at least not released, who was behind the bombing. More then likely, though, who was behind the bombing is a Muslim group of one sort or the other. There is a good chance that it is the seperatists from Kashmir, which is largely Muslim.
Last years blast that killed over 200 involved Muslims
Police say Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, or Army of the Pure, a Pakistan-based Islamic militant group, as well as the Students’ Islamic Movement of India, or SIMI, a banned group based in northern India, were behind those blasts. Officials also have alleged that Pakistani intelligence was involved in the attacks, but Pakistan repeatedly has denied the accusation.
There have also been other train attacks by these Islamic groups. The media tries their best to hide and diminish the role of Muslim groups in the majority of terrorist attacks, but the proof is in the puddin'. How often do you hear about a terrorist attack by Christians? The secular media would trumpet that from the rafters, like with Timothy McVeigh.
Trackposted to Bumpshack: Where the News Always Bumps!, Random Dreamer, Perri Nelson's Website, Mark My Words, 123beta, basil's blog, DragonLady's World, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Thoughts, Allie Is Wired, third world county, Faultline USA, Right Celebrity, stikNstein… has no mercy, Blue Star Chronicles, Dumb Ox Daily News, High Desert Wanderer, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.