From CNS News
But Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, said both cap and trade and a carbon tax are "bad ideas."
"Having a conversation about whether you want to have cap and trade or a carbon tax as a way to solve global warming is a little bit like having a conversation about whether you'd rather have the electric chair or guillotine before you've decided whether capital punishment is a good idea or not," Norquist told Cybercast News Service .
"The carbon tax has the advantage over cap and trade in that it is much more honest about what you are doing – raising taxes to change behavior." At the same time, he said, both programs are very similar.
"The people who have a quasi-religious belief in man-made global warming are entitled to their religious beliefs, but they are not entitled to make the rest of us worship in their church," he said.
The Sun and Natural Earth Forces divisions are laughing.
More: Cao has a fantastic post on global warming is a strawman
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