It's not going well? The hell you say. Not like you had issues with ABSCAM Murtha and Dollar Bill Jefferson already
WASHINGTON — Lawmakers have continued to take trips paid for by outside groups since the House voted last month to restrict who can pay for such travel.
House travel records show that 19 members since Jan. 5 have accepted airfare, meals and lodging from special interests, including groups that employ lobbyists. The records were compiled by the non-partisan PoliticalMoneyLine.
The trips demonstrate that lawmakers "are trying to see what they are going to get away with," said Melanie Sloan, executive director of the liberal-leaning watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Who are the 19, you ask? Political Money Line has the scoop. A couple of Republicans on the list, but, mostly Democrats, including John Conyers. Didn't Conyers have that whole ethics thing for using his staff improperly? Isn't he like the chair of the House Judicial Committee?
I wonder what Nancy will do?
Update: Apparently, Nancy will allow the House Ethics Committee to ask for an increase in their budget of 43%. $6.1 million to investigate House ethics? Sounds like a lot of travel and buffett money to me.
Meanwhile, a pretty good website to check out stuff about Congress.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson's Website, Right on the Right, Mark My Words, third world county, Faultline USA, basil's blog, Blue Star Chronicles, The Bullwinkle Blog, High Desert Wanderer, Jo's Cafe, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Pelosi’s promise to clean up the corruption broken? Why am I not surprised?
*ahem* Halliburton *ahem*
Ahem, failure to deal with what was posted.