And a good Sunday morning! Have no clue who did this pinup, but, considering how sick I have been over the last 24 hours, it’s perfect. Ate some chinese Friday night, must have had some scallops in it, or at least cooked in a pan that had had scallops. Yikes. Very allergic.
It also reminds me of Raven from And Rightly So! who starts off the what’s happening section with a post on Dignity for Wounded Soldiers.
- While at And Rightly So!, check out the next post by civil action, who takes on Ann Coulter’s juvenile behavior
- Matt O’Keefe at the Gun Toting Liberal discusses Bush’s compassionate moments in the Deep South
- Bill Maher jumps in with his own assassination chic for Cheney at Newsbusters (h/t Hot Air)
- Basil has Headline News
- Liberal Larry says the Big D got a shock and awe of his own
- Sister Toldjah (still needs the ! at the end) highlights the difference between Coultergate and the Edwards Blogmistressgate
- A fantastic new blogger, Minta Marie Morze of A Few Shiny Pebbles ventilates Al Gore
- Right Thinking Girl says that it has been 2001 days since 9/11 as of Saturday
- Lorie B at Wizbang captures a Keith Olbermann NY Times rant
- Jeff H has a very sad post. Our prayers are with you, Jeff
- Alabama Improper has pictures from the tornado damaged area, and provides a way you can help
- Bullwinkle confabulates about shrugging off Hugo
- Outside The Beltway highlights N.Z. Bear being named Blogger of The Year
- Silke applies “scientific theory” to Darwinism
- The Jawa Report says the Senate is fighting over the wrong TSA issue
- Martin at MVRWC discusses alchohol offsets. Heh!
- Cranky at Six Meat Buffet has his own offsets
- Cassandra at VC says there are DhimWits everywhere
- Deroy Murdock at National Review on The Democrats’ War
Obviously, quite a bit out there. Enjoy!
Oh, and please go to Grassfire and sign the “Stop The Invasion!” against illegal aliens and Pardon The Border Agents petitions

[…] The Pirate’s Cove pins up his Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup! […]
Actually I applied scientific theory to evolution. I’m not familiar with Darwinism, what is it?
PS Hope you are feeling better soon.
Bush Finally Finds Compassion in the Devastated South…
I’m no fan of this President by any means but when the people see him amongst them and the devastation that was their lives, it is a connection to the human spirit that this President has never shown before. Has he found his sense of compassion fo…