Let's see. We have a supposed consensus of scientists who believe feel that Man is causing global warming. We also have the 17,000 who believe otherwise. How about hearing about one specific scientist?
(CNSNews.com) – Just as Galileo and Einstein transcended the "consensus" of their day, so too will a growing body of scientific evidence eventually vindicate non-alarmist views on global warming, predicts environmental scientist Fred Singer.
The very notion of consensus on global warming is a "laughable" proposition, Singer said during a talk at the Heritage Foundation this week.
Proponents of man-made global warming theories, such as former Vice President Al Gore, claim there is scientific consensus on a link between human activity and rising temperatures.
In a new book he co-authored with Dennis Avery entitled "Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years," Singer writes, "It is sheer fantasy to suggest that a huge number of scientists with expertise in global climate change endorse an alarming interpretation of the recent climate data."
Singer points out that hundreds of climate scientists have argued against what passes for a consensus view on the subject.
Don't argue with me, argue with the climatologist. Is Al Gore certified in climatology? How about the beauracrats who wrote the IPCC report?
And tell me, how is it that the Earth has gone through periods throughout its lifespan of warmer and colder times, over hundreds of millions of years, yet this current barely warmer period can only be caused by Man? Why do the global warming as caused by Man adherents totally ignore the natural processes of the Earth and Sun?
Meanwhile, this is a smart idea
Fairfax (county) plans to become a "cool" county, where wind power, hybrid vehicles and environmentally friendly building techniques would reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to combat global warming, Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerald E. Connolly will announce today.
For Fairfax's 1 million residents, Connolly's proposal would mean rides on ethanol-burning buses, tax breaks for owning hybrid cars and new neighborhoods with more trees and green space. Residents might also grow accustomed to seeing green on public buildings — vegetation planted on the roofs of schools and firehouses to consume carbon dioxide, Connolly said.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with using alternative power sources and reducing pollution from passenger vehicles, even if it is for a silly reason like global warming caused by Man. Planting trees and such? Great!
Wasting lots of money, harming the economy, and death threats? Not so great.
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Blog at Morewhat.com, Perri Nelson's Website, basil's blog, Overtaken by Events, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, High Desert Wanderer, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, and Conservative Thoughts, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Couldn’t agree more my conservative Carolinian forecaster of wisdom! Back to my Ben Franklin’s Almanac for it never let’s me down, and reminds us that history always repeats itself. We live on God’s planet, and He is the everlasting Land Lord (made that one up myself)! Enjoy the wonderful Lenten weather and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. SURFS UP WT….
“ANY fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do!” — Ben Franklin in 1775
Meh. I’m beginning to think that if it isn’t popular science it won’t be accepted. And then I wonder why I worry about acceptance. Cynical.
For those of US that read the Holy Bible during these secular anti-American times, life is good. After a disgusted God Almighty flooded the earth for 40 days and nights, all one has to do is read Genesis 8:22 – “As long as the earth lasts, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, Summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” In chapter 9:12 God told Noah, ” This is a sign that I am giving for all ages to come, of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you: (v 13)I set my bow (rainbow) in the clouds to serve as a sign between Me and the earth.”
Happy St. Patrick’s Day & Holy Season of Lent… Sleep well!