Has anybody kept track of just how many cut and run plans the Democrats have come up with so far? I'm thinking it is about 22 or so (from the Washington Post)
In one of the more unusual proposals to emerge in the Senate debate on Iraq withdrawal, Sen. Mark Pryor wants to keep any plans for bringing troops home a secret.
The Arkansas Democrat is a key holdout on his party's proposal to approve $122 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while setting a goal of March 31, 2008, for winding up military operations in Iraq. Unlike the plan's Republican opponents, Pryor wants a withdrawal deadline of some kind. He just doesn't want anyone outside the White House, Congress and the Iraqi government to know what it is.
"My strong preference would be to have a classified plan and a classified timetable that should be shared with Congress," Pryor said yesterday. A public deadline would tip off the enemy, "who might just bide their time and wait for us to leave," he said. "Then you'd have chaos and mayhem and instability."
While on the surface, this seems good, it is still a timetable, and there is absolutely no possible way that the Congress Critters and their staffers will be able to keep it secret. You just know that it will be leaked and end up in the NY Times or other far left outlet.
Pryor said a classified plan would be provided by the president, shepherded by Senate committees and ultimately shared with Congress and Iraqi leaders. He is confident that the plan would remain secret, because Congress is entrusted with secrets "all the time."
What if the president's withdrawal plan didn't include a deadline? Or what if it leaked, through leaders in Iraq, to insurgents?
All worth considering, Pryor said. But in the meantime, "at least you'd have a plan."
I'll give Pryor kudo's for previously breaking with his Defeatocratic buds, but just because Congress is entrusted with secrets "all the time" doesn't mean they keep them. Or will keep them.
And, guess what? There is a plan. It was formulated by the guy who replaced Rumsfeldt, a victim of Democratic hysteria, who was given a 100% vote of confidence be the Democratically led Congress. Let him do his job.
As the final paragraph of the article points out, this is a "major policy debate," ie, political. Meaning it would be leaked. Probably, based on what has happened by liberals over the past 6 years, on purpose.
Update: Senate vote held, and guess how, per Hot Air, was the deciding vote? Our own little Surrender Monkey, Chucky Hagel. Thanks, Chuck. Given up your presidential aspirations yet?
NZ Bear has the whole thing up at The Victory Caucus.
Captain Ed has an excellent take on what can happen.
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