Morning, y'all, Jebediah Murphy here. It's been awhile, but, the mood hasn't struck in awhile. But, these Defeatocratic Congress Critters have shown exactly what their whole debate of Iraq is about: partisan politics, as shown by the first line of this AP article
Congressional Democrats are showing no signs of backing down on their rebuke of the Iraq war, insisting President Bush will have to accept some sort of legislative timetable in exchange for the billions of dollars needed to fund the war.
"We would hope that the president understands how serious we are," said Majority Leader Harry Reid (news, bio, voting record), D-Nev., after the Senate voted to uphold a proposal in a war spending bill calling for the troop withdrawal.
Got that? A rebuke. Meaning political. Nothing more, nothing less. The Dems, along with a few weak kneed Republicans, have decided to continue to play politics during war time.
President Bush will use a speaking engagement today to lay his plan for the bill, and smack the Defeatocrats down
But Reid and other Democrats say they won't back down.
"Rather than making all the threats that he has, let's work with him and see if he can give us some ideas how we can satisfy the wishes of a majority of the Senate, the majority of the House and move forward," Reid said.
In other words, Reid wants Bush to cave to surrender. How about working with the President for a change, Harry? Listen to him, and see how you can help the duly elected Commander in Chief, as the Constitution states. Would that be too tough, Harry? To stop playing petty political games, and uphold the oath you swore?
Of course, in full irony, besides the assualt from those on the Right, the Democrats will also be under attack from the usual suspects for failing to provide for immediate cut and run.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson's Website, third world county, A Blog For All, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil's blog, Blue Star Chronicles, Overtaken by Events, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao's Blog, Jo's Cafe, and LaTogaStrappata®, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Dubya has 21 months left in the unstained Oval Office, 19 months before Election Day,
and the radical cowardly Demlibloonies Incorporated should realize our president IS still the president and can VETO any bill thrown his way, and “Don’t Mess With Texas”! And the 93% of DC crackheads and pimps and socialists want the right after 230 years to vote? Fred Thompson can win this thing, or Giuliani and Romney or Brownback or Condi Rice would be great VP candidates. Hold the line in the sand patriots and don’t be intimidated by the communist and anarchist liberal lefty loones! Continue to support the airmen, troops and president!!
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