And a Happy Sunday to all! It is another marvelous day in America. The temps are going to be below normal here in Raleigh, the Sun will be shining, the birds will be singing, and there is a nude sunbather appearing for my 3rd blogaversary. Yummy! The turtle looks happy, too! Pinup by Gil Elvgren, with a small edition, mateys.
What did I get myself for the day? How about pain in my left index finger. I was wondering why I kept having this pain in the joints of that finger. After doing a big report which had a lot of cut and pastes, I realized it was from stretching out that finger when doing ctrl-v. Aha! Now, to figure out a way to turn one of the function buttons into a quick paste button for IE.
Actually, for my real birthday back on the 10th, I got myself a new laptop, saved $150. Was exactly what I was looking for. Working pretty good. Unlike most, I actually like Vista, except for one thing: you have to use Media Player 11. Hate it. Pain in the wahoo for creating synch lists, which is the primary thing I do with it. Have to hunt around, see if there is another choice.
So, what be happenin’ on ye olde feedreader?
- Michelle M wants photoshops (mine is at end of this post). Great place to easily make on is here.
- hazel (Adeline and Hazel) has Jessica Simpson’s lovely fat rolls
- Beth (Blue Star Chronicles)Â discusses a judicial ruling about moonbats using our KIAs
- Bullwinkle wonders if it is OK to compare Hillary to
StalinHugo - Rusty (The Jawa Report) has good news. has finally shut down al Qaeda linked sites. Great Job!
- Megan D at my favorite (sane) liberal site, The Gun Toting Liberal, has her take on the JetBlue kerfuffle
- Van Helsing reports on more flag banning
- Sister Toldjah busts out the annointing oil for the moonbat of the week
- Rick at Right Wing Nut House on a major, and forgotten, even that occured on the 20th and 21st
- McQ (Q and O)says hold off on those french jokes for a bit
- Michael at Innocent Bystanders has the Sexiest Woman Alive
- Cao offers up a brunch of terrorist chic. No, not the Dixie Chicks
- Apparently, TSA has read some of Basil’s anti-TSA posts. That, or he looks as far from Middle Eastern as can be
- When’s the last time you heard the phrase “Uriah Heep?” How many kids even know the meaning? Gaius is fishing for details
- Outside the Beltway offers up the weekend Caption Jams
Thanks, Democrats!

Heh. Thanks!
Oh, and you nailed it with both, I think.
Jet Blue Quietly Cowers; Says NO To Blogosphere and YES To Right-Wing Media…
Many of you are aware of this blog buzz but Jet Blue, having been confronted by Bill O’Reilly, has backed away (almost) from their sponsorship of the Daily KOS convention. They will keep their commitment but won’t say it outload, they will, but-…
No viagra needed with your tasteful conservative 100% American pinups Blackbeard! These babes are worth fighting for and dying for buddy! – Among other things, surf’s up! Keep ’em coming too…
The Democrats want you to keep silent and not talk…
Michelle Malkin’s got some great looking photoshops showing what the Democrats would really like of America’s citizens, provided by Gates of Vienna, Are We Lumberjacks, and a few others…
I was actually concerned typing TSA, in case they start profiling me :)