Happy Sunday! It is another fine day in America, as we approach Thanksgiving, another in a long line of holidays that the left rails against even as they eat turkey with all the fixin’s. Hey, you don’t expect them to actually practice what they preach, do you?
What is happening on ye olde feedreader?
- The Anchoress provides some good news that slipped past the gatekeeper
- Just Raven has upside down cranberry cake. Slobber
- Basil on how to be a dumbass, part II
- Are We Lumberjacks? gives us a preview of a Hillary presidency
- Jay Tea (Wizbang) tells us why he is smarter then everyone else. He has a point
- Posing nude is, like, so liberating. See Sister Toldjah for the 411
- Uh oh. Air Deadbeat cans its only sane employee, so says The Radio Equalizer
- Good news. Harry Reid cancels Thanksgiving. Outside the Beltway has the tryptophan
- Ogre’s got some new digs due to spamtards. Check his Friday Feast
- Hazel (Adeline and Hazel) on how to get rid of the dreaded tramp stamp
- Blogs For Victo(r)y has Kerry’s swiftboat response. Still waiting for his full medical records, of course
- Hillary was allowed time to rebutt herself. See Beth (Blue Star Chronicles) for the details
- Cao has video on the Islamic references in the Flight 93 Memorial
- The Gun Toting Liberal on Hillary’s diamonds and pearls (GTL tb’d to me the other day with this post, but, it is too good to let pass in this post)
- And last, but not least, The Median Sib has Angel Biscuits. More slobbering
There was actually a ton more on ye olde feedreader, too. Sorry if I missed anyone. Now, Go Giants!
Also, Martin Brodeur has won his 500th game, only the second one to do it. He should be able to break Patrick Roy’s wins record next season. I am trying to get video of one of Marty’s saves, quite possibly the save of the year.

Happy Sunday to you, William, and thanks for including me in your round-up. I’m going to have to get back to doing some of those again.
Thanks for the link buddy!! The cake is GOOD, I’m chowing on it now.
Happy Sunday to you, Carol!
Quite welcome, Raven. I am very hungry from both your post and Carol’s.
Happy day to you as well Teach, and thanks for the link! With the new digs, I actually saw your link!
Now that’s a POKING HANTAS! Love this Native American Cupid WT! HOW AND HOW!!
Hi Raven and Happy Thanksgiving too.
“Now bend over John Ryan for she has to place that apple on your rump and zero in…!” – Get the point 2007?