Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. This made me laugh:
Passengers were buckled up when a crew member spotted a mouse darting across an aisle, triggering a chase that grounded a Qatar Airways plane at Manila airport for more than 12 hours.
The airline asked the 243 passengers to disembark, unloaded hundreds of pieces of luggage and brought the Airbus 330-200 to a hangar for a two-hour fumigation, the Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine Star reported. The rodent was never found, so it either escaped or there’s a dead mouse aboard the plane.
Gee, sounds like they were taking lessons from our airport security folks. Has your bag been in your possession the whole time? Take your shoes off. No lighters. Matches OK. That metal clasp on your bra looks dangerous, WASP granny. I don’t care if you say you have a fake hip, get in the room and strip. Metal zippers? Don’t know if we can allow that. Yes, nervous looking middle eastern appearence men, go right through. We already searched 2 today, that is our limit.
BTW, Teach tells me he forgot to take his lighter out of his backpack to put in his checked baggage. Yes, it got through the scanners in Atlanta. Meanwhile, in Australia:
Activist from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) with the Australian flag painted on their buttocks and fake blood on other parts of their bodies rally in front of the Australian embassy in a bid to force Australian sheep farmers to stop a controversial farming practice. Full story here. Perhaps they could have painted over the cellulite. PETA wackjobs should learn to 1. exercise, and 2. eat a balanced diet.
Y’all don’t forget to visit the rest of the WTW folks, ya hear?

PETA Protects Australian Sheep
According to the Pirates Cove, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) rallied in front of the Australian embassy recently in an attempt to force Australian sheep farmers to stop a controversial farming practice. THIS i…