Go see Merri Musings to join the "We Are All Mohammed Now" brigade. Jeff's Martyr's Brigade is going well. Russ watched the Olympics on NBC. How'd he find the channel? Deserves a fatwa. This Blog Is Full Of Crap has problems with flowers. Don't worry, the high crime rate from the influx of the soap opera watchers from New Orleans will take care of them. And don't forget about those crazy Domestic Terrorism ladies at The Cotillion! To think, housework without even a veil. PS: open trackbacks!

Love the new skin. I’ve got a new look coming soon myself.
Can’t wait to see it. Though I do like the current one. Very clean and quick loading.
Thanks for the link, Teach.
Welcome. Gotta spread the fatwas
Good new look here. I’m about due (OK, OK, overdue) for an overhaul myself.
Thanks for the link, too. I really ought to return the favor more often.
No prob, Russ. I need to link more myself.
I like your theme.