Not that this should be anything really new, except for the source
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has warned that terrorists might detonate a “dirty bomb” in a major city sooner than later.
William Nye, Home Office director of counter-terrorism and intelligence, told delegates that al-Qaida is actively seeking high-grade uranium and plutonium in order to detonate a “dirty bomb” in major cities such as London or Washington.
“As the terrorists look for the next spectacular attack, we know that al-Qaida in Iraq is calling on nuclear scientists to join in the jihad. Combating this threat requires international cooperation,” The Scotsman quoted Nye, as saying.
Yeah, pretty much a given since back in the 1970’s, and particularly from Muslim extremists since the early 1990’s. Nice to know that a group that liberals love is saying it, though.
A record number of low-level radioactive materials, the kind terrorists could fashion into dirty bombs, have gone missing in Canada this year, raising concerns about the effectiveness of federal controls over nuclear materials.
News of the jump in thefts and lost material coincides with an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting in Europe at which nuclear counter-terrorism specialists were told this week of an almost fourfold increase in nuclear smuggling since 2006, a further indication al-Qaeda-inspired radicals may be trying to obtain radioactive material for a bomb.
Our liberal friends will just tell us this is scaremongering planted by the Bush administration. Then, when one does go off, they will blame Bush for not doing anything, like listening to jihadi phone calls.
The Sunday Herald, a Scottish newspaper, gives a pretty good explanation of what would happen if there was when there is a dirty bomb attack. Liberals may not think we are in a war, but radical Muslims sure do.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Chuck Adkins, Adeline and Hazel, Pursuing Holiness, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, High Desert Wanderer, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

So it’s Bush #43’s fault we’re in a war on islamofascist terror – that was declared on Crusaders, Jews and our allies by OBL on Feb.23,1998 – and if a dirty bomb goes off it’s still ‘W’s fault? If a dirty bomb goes off – GOD forbid – how about in Hollywood or Cal Berkeley or San Fransicko? The LEFT coast could taste what the east coast did six years ago – GOD forbid! Either way Blackbeard….Bush is the bad guy anyway with the Defeatocrats and Leftards!
Simplified Mitt…
1. Mitt Romney was elected governor of Massachusetts on a pro-homosexual, pro-gun control and a pro-abortion agenda. 2. Is he that liberal? He resided over the Big Dig which killed several people, yet he left it under democrat control, and he imposed…..
I know they don’t think we are at war. You forgot one angle, though. They will claim foul. Ya see, it will show that all of their policies and trivialities and getting in the way of us providing security for this nation will come to light. If we use it in the campaign, they will claim that we had something to do with it. If we say nothing, they will claim that we had something to do with it! So, what the hay?
I don’t believe that either Bush was president in 1979 when the Islamist idiots declared war on the U.S. and got away with it.
“Our liberal friends will just tell us this is scaremongering planted by the Bush administration. Then, when one does go off, they will blame Bush for not doing anything, like listening to jihadi phone calls”.
This tells all there is to tell about the failure of being a demcrat.
Of course it is W’s fault, Darth. The Muslims did not get upset with us till 1/20/2001, when Bush refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol and began stealing the Muslims oil, plus stationing soldiers on ME soil.
Good points, Rosemary. And don’t forget, it will all be Bush’s fault!
Scrap, you are right. Also, just being a liberal is a failure.