From John Hawkins at Right Wing News (via Hot Air)
When it comes to conservative women, liberals are a perverse and hypocritical bunch. As a general rule, they either insist that conservative women are hideously ugly or alternately get down in the gutter and aim everything from crude comments, to porn fantasies, to rape threats at the very same women.
Meanwhile, the very same libs who are the first ones to yell “sexist” at the top of their lungs when the mildest gibe is tossed at a woman on the Left, either keep their mouths shut or laugh along at the most grotesque, sexual insults aimed at conservative women.
For the latest example of this, you can head over to the Huffington Post, where they smirk along with this graphic (which I’ve blurred) that is featured in a piece of garbage called “My Wall Street Journal.”
Captain Ed writes
If Hawkins ran photoshopped pictures of Hillary Clinton topless to satirize her attempts to reach white male voters in the Rust Belt, can we suppose that the Huffington Post — which giggles with glee at the Coulter sketch — would react supportively? I’m with John in guessing that the liberal writers at HuffPo would fall all over themselves to castigate John for demeaning Hillary as nothing more than a sex object. I don’t exactly consider this a “sick porn fantasyâ€, though.
I’ve sorta done that, sorta, in the past. Nothing more then PG rated. And libs were not amused. Yet, personally, I meant no harm. Want to see?
Except for the one (the one where Hillary’s ankles are huge, none of them are really mean. A bit sexist and rude, but, am I trying to denigrate Nancy, Hillary, or Barbara Boxer (last picture)? No, am I trying to be silly (and a little obnoxious, get a reaction out of people.) The Left wouldn’t understand, since they are perpetually angry, and take their anger out on others, typically in seriously nasty ways.

You may be on to something here. I had some sarcastic post titled Republican Babes ages ago and it still continues to draw a daily hit or two. Myself, I am quite free of Ann Coulter fantasies.
I really did do those to be silly and a bit obnoxious, but not to be mean. The COulter one was meant to be mean, I feel.
But, on the flip side, when one gets involved in politics, one has to be prepared for the mud