You all know that if I were to get into a battle of wit’s with Forrest Gump, I may emerge victorious, but I will certainly suffer a contusion, scrape and ‘ear boxing’.
This video from Chris (I’m the Under Secretary and your not)…
Here is a summary of some important points about the grave dangers of Liberation Theology written in 1984 by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)….
Cutting off (or shouting down) debate on an issue to avoid having to deal with facts is the mark of a weak argument, which says a lot about most fake liberals’ arguments.
[…] airplane, just kidding, it’s from the City Web Site. OTA Links: OTA Weekend And Petition | Pirates Cove | WHTS | Public Rendezvous | Rosemary’s Thoughts Bookmark It Hide […]
This is yet another example of the plethora of straws that the Leftinistra are trapped into grasping for no other reason than to prove to everyone that comes across their posts to realize just how scared they are….
I have this week’s up a bit early. They released it a couple of days ago to coincide with May Day… Our weekly video podcast/vlog on illegal immigration and border security issues. In this weeks edition… May Day 2008: Chicago!……
[…] Thoughts, third world county, Faultline USA, Nuke Gingrich, McCain Blogs, 123beta, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, , Democrat=Socialist, , and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest […]
Hat tip, Hot Air.Most people aren’t buying it. The plausibility of knowing Rev Wright for twenty years, attending his church, and even featuring some of his sermons in his book, but not knowing Wright’s beliefs, is not selling. A Rasmussen…
Thank god I have experience with computers. You see, I got this in my email this afternoon: And no, my spam trap didn’t catch it! Sure looks legit, doesn’t it? Says it’s from, has an official looking banner… But…
[…] is Wired, Nuke Gingrich, Faultline USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, , Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor. Also thanks to Linkfest […]
We opened last Monday, and we did very well. This is just a little reminder to keep up the great work, keep visiting us (because we really do appreciate it), and spread the word about our opening.As a reminder, here is a l ……
The “If I Were Temporary Supreme Dictator Of The US” Meme…
Several fine bloggers who I respect posted on this topic on Friday, and I’d like to take a shot at it. Q: Suppose you were elected Temporary Supreme Dictator of America. What ten laws would you pass/repeal or government programs……
Being new to, and completely overwhelmed by, the sheer volume of technology in use on the web, sometimes I feel like a guy driving in a white out snow storm. Knuckles white on the wheel, wipers full blast, Slayer blasting from my vintage mp3 player a…
Podcast Show Notes
Joined for most of the show by Stacy Harp.
A principal in Virgina orders a student to remove her pro-life t-shirt. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
A student in New Mexico is punished for planning (not actually doing but planning) a pro-life p…
Frank Rich of the NYT Should Look Left for Racists…
Frank Rich of the New York Times has a piece out today asking why Obama’s pastor has received so much scrutiny when McCain’s has not. Rich is referring to John Hagee, an absolute nut job, who has endorsed John McCain. According to Rich, O…
So, why is it exactly that they are not only not noticed, but the hub of nearly every scientific, political, ideological, creative or cultural movement in the world?
Nah not really….
I changed the theme again, the twelve step program isn’t working and I am thinking of just going with it. My sponsor wasn’t in this morning when I tried to call so for that, a big “failed sponsor” sh…
Bruce’s new laptop arrived on Thursday evening, and he has been spending most of the past three days setting it up. I say “most” because change of any sort is extremely stressful to Bruce, so he would periodically do some……
UPDATE: The estimates of loss of life continue to grow. The UN has been granted access by the military government and is rushing aid to the devestated country…
[…] Gingrich, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, , Dumb Ox Daily News, Right […]
fp on AG Bondi To Go After Those Torching Teslas: “Wasn’t it just last year your precious Democrats (Seig Heil!) were mandating EVs all over the place? And now, you…” Mar 15, 00:24
fp on AG Bondi To Go After Those Torching Teslas: “Oh, so torching Teslas and Tesla dealerships is now “protesting”? So then, you won’t mind if some Democrats are “protested”.…” Mar 15, 00:18
ST on AG Bondi To Go After Those Torching Teslas: “See You On The Other Side (Ep. 2442) – 03/14/2025 – #1 Trending Video” Mar 14, 21:20
Professor Hale on AG Bondi To Go After Those Torching Teslas: “Same excuse Kelly said when he got rid of his AR-15. Kelly has very flexible morality as long as the…” Mar 14, 20:38
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site is provided without permission from the copyright owner, only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes, without permission of the copyright owner.
You all know that if I were to get into a battle of wit’s with Forrest Gump, I may emerge victorious, but I will certainly suffer a contusion, scrape and ‘ear boxing’.
This video from Chris (I’m the Under Secretary and your not)…
[…] Trackposted to <a href=””>Pooh Flinging NeoCons</a>, <a href=””>Diary of the Mad Pigeon</a>, <a href=””>Rosemary’s Thoughts</a>, <a href=””>Allie is Wired</a>, <a href=”″>Woman Honor Thyself</a>, <a href=””>McCain Blogs</a>, <a href=””>Right Truth</a>, <a href=”″>The World According to Carl</a>, <a href=””>Pirate’s Cove</a>, <a href=””>The Pink Flamingo</a>, <a href=”″>Cao’s Blog</a>, <a href=””>Wolf Pangloss</a>, <a href=””>Democrat=Socialist</a>, <a href=””>A Newt One</a>, and <a href=”″>The Yankee Sailor</a>, thanks to <a href=””>Linkfest Haven Deluxe</a>. […]
Revisiting ObamaÂ’s Liberation Theology Church…
Here is a summary of some important points about the grave dangers of Liberation Theology written in 1984 by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)….
Friday Reading…
Only three things in life make it worth living’: Guitars tuned good, Open Threads, and firm-feelin’ women. (not necessarily in that order)
On Liberty…
Cutting off (or shouting down) debate on an issue to avoid having to deal with facts is the mark of a weak argument, which says a lot about most fake liberals’ arguments.
[…] airplane, just kidding, it’s from the City Web Site. OTA Links: OTA Weekend And Petition | Pirates Cove | WHTS | Public Rendezvous | Rosemary’s Thoughts Bookmark It Hide […]
Now stop drooling like a slack jawed yocal and go on over and buy something! Those new mud tires aren’t gonna buy themselves you know!
Trackposted to Pooh Flinging NeoCons, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Cao’s Blog, Diary of…
War News: About That War For Oil Lie…
This is yet another example of the plethora of straws that the Leftinistra are trapped into grasping for no other reason than to prove to everyone that comes across their posts to realize just how scared they are….
Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst…
I have this week’s up a bit early. They released it a couple of days ago to coincide with May Day… Our weekly video podcast/vlog on illegal immigration and border security issues. In this weeks edition… May Day 2008: Chicago!……
Blog Notes…
For all you bloggers out there…
The Pirate’s Cove link fest thingy….
THE BASIS FOR A STRONG NATION By R.J. Godlewski © May 3, 2008, All Rights Reserved 10. FOREIGN RELATIONS (THANK GOD I’M NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT) There’s an old saying that God created families so that people would learn to…
[…] Thoughts, third world county, Faultline USA, Nuke Gingrich, McCain Blogs, 123beta, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, , Democrat=Socialist, , and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest […]
58% Think Obama Denouced Wright to save face…
Hat tip, Hot Air.Most people aren’t buying it. The plausibility of knowing Rev Wright for twenty years, attending his church, and even featuring some of his sermons in his book, but not knowing Wright’s beliefs, is not selling. A Rasmussen…
How to Identify Phishing: “IRS” Case Study…
Thank god I have experience with computers. You see, I got this in my email this afternoon: And no, my spam trap didn’t catch it! Sure looks legit, doesn’t it? Says it’s from, has an official looking banner… But…
The I.D.F. Kills Shalit Kidnapper…
You may catch him bending and gently pulling from his bag,
An Israeli, an American flag.
[…] is Wired, Nuke Gingrich, Faultline USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, , Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor. Also thanks to Linkfest […]
Talon: The Eagles Up blog…
We opened last Monday, and we did very well. This is just a little reminder to keep up the great work, keep visiting us (because we really do appreciate it), and spread the word about our opening.As a reminder, here is a l ……
The “If I Were Temporary Supreme Dictator Of The US” Meme…
Several fine bloggers who I respect posted on this topic on Friday, and I’d like to take a shot at it. Q: Suppose you were elected Temporary Supreme Dictator of America. What ten laws would you pass/repeal or government programs……
Being new to, and completely overwhelmed by, the sheer volume of technology in use on the web, sometimes I feel like a guy driving in a white out snow storm. Knuckles white on the wheel, wipers full blast, Slayer blasting from my vintage mp3 player a…
Students Rights Under Fire…
Podcast Show Notes
Joined for most of the show by Stacy Harp.
A principal in Virgina orders a student to remove her pro-life t-shirt. (Hat Tip: Don Surber.)
A student in New Mexico is punished for planning (not actually doing but planning) a pro-life p…
Frank Rich of the NYT Should Look Left for Racists…
Frank Rich of the New York Times has a piece out today asking why Obama’s pastor has received so much scrutiny when McCain’s has not. Rich is referring to John Hagee, an absolute nut job, who has endorsed John McCain. According to Rich, O…
FamouS JewS?..Uh huh…
So, why is it exactly that they are not only not noticed, but the hub of nearly every scientific, political, ideological, creative or cultural movement in the world?
Nah not really….
I changed the theme again, the twelve step program isn’t working and I am thinking of just going with it. My sponsor wasn’t in this morning when I tried to call so for that, a big “failed sponsor” sh…
A Non-Bitter Story About the New Laptop…
Bruce’s new laptop arrived on Thursday evening, and he has been spending most of the past three days setting it up. I say “most” because change of any sort is extremely stressful to Bruce, so he would periodically do some……
Cyclone Nargis rips through Myanmar…
UPDATE: The estimates of loss of life continue to grow. The UN has been granted access by the military government and is rushing aid to the devestated country…
Free SpeecH only for LiberalS…
Wherever Conservatives are invited to speak, Libs storm the stage and disrupt the event.
Free Speech only for Lefties?
[…] Gingrich, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, , Dumb Ox Daily News, Right […]
NY Post writes about Olmert’s scandal investigatio…
And tells about a millionaire in the midst of it (via My Right Word and NFC):…