So, good old Markos says he has a copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate. OK, great. But, call me skeptical.
First, where did he get it? According to the Hawaii Department of Health, he does not qualify to get a copy. Did he get it somewhere else? Did the Obama camp give it to him?
Or, is it faked? I usually do not like to get in to conspiracy theories, but, click on it so it is massively huge. What do you see?
What’s with all the fuzziness around the letters? Often, that is a sign of something that does not belong to the original, and has been photoshopped in.
For reference, take a look what appears to be a stamp with the date Jun (?) 6 2007. See any fuzziness?
Allahpundit at Hot Air is dubious, as well.
Suitably Flip breaks down what the document could be.
I have an email in to the HDH, will see if they answer.
More: why would a birth certificate from 1961 list his father’s race as African? This was 1961.
Way later update: take a look at the letters. Notice how the green stripes behind the letters are often missing or not consistent, as well as sometimes of kilter.

The fuzzyness in the text is an artifact of the jpeg encoding process used to compress the image file to a manageable size. Look closely at the text (or any sharp edge) in any jpeg file and you will see similar fuzzyness. There is fuzzyness, for example, in the graphical word you use as an anti-spam device.
This is perhaps the lamest conspiracy theory ever. It will be funny when you have to call him “Mr. President”
Hey Demliblooney Spike Lee:
President Obama bin Laden 2008
VP Osama bin Laden 2008
‘Hail to the Chief’ replaced with ‘Shama Lama Ding Dong’!
“why would a birth certificate from 1961 list his father’s race as African? This was 1961.”
That caught my eye, too, when all this broke out yesterday. Sounds awfully ‘PC’ in a gub’mint educated, obtuse leftist, historical revisionist, cause-i’m-only twenty-something sort of a way.
‘African’ is not a race, and is being mis-used in the same way that apologists for islmo-fascists mis-use ‘muslim’ when playing the race card.
If anything, the default term which dominated public use for centuries, for anyone of color, would have been ‘negro’.
Keep us posted on any info from HDH!
Spike is right. Jpeg is a lossy compression format and the fuzziness is caused by the algorithm used to fill in the missing visual data. It doesn’t work well with text or any sharp edges. The certificate should have been saved as a .png file, which is a lossless compression format.
You “don’t like to get into conspiract theories,” you say. Gee, coulda fooled me! Score 1 for Obama, 0 for Republican smear merchants. Try harder next time, nutcases!
Your copy says August 4 1961 as a birth date. But the KOS site has one with a August 8, 1961 date. Why the difference?
I think you are looking at the date filed with registrar, Dave.
[…] on June 12th, after I caught the supposed birth certificate of Barack Obama’sat the Kos Kidz Konglomerate, I wondered whether it was faked. Things went back and forth around the […]
[…] on June 12th, after I caught the supposed birth certificate of Barack Obama’sat the Kos Kidz Konglomerate, I wondered whether it was faked. Things went back and forth around the […]
Let me detail a couple more observations I made looking at the two documents; of Obama and of DeCosta
1. Look at the letters HAWAII at the top left of the document, in the phrase “STATE OF HAWAII”.
Look at the distinct kerning effect in the letters AWA in one, and the complete lack of it in the other.
2. I looked at the alignment of the letters in the two sentences “This copy serves as prima facie …”, and “ANY ALTERATIONS INVALIDATE …” at the bottom of the page. I created a vertical line and moved it back and forth to check the alignment of letters; some of these are different in the two versions.
If you cut & paste the two Birth Certificates into Word, and create a vertical line with the drawing tool, you can do this. Certainly there are other (better) methods to do this.
Scanning and compressing into a pdf or jpg file could create some distortions, as in teh flaring around letters and sharp edhes. But this should be uniform for all such occurrences. However, no relative positional distortions is created by either copying or scanning.