Matt at Blogs For Victory wanted some photoshops, but, why bother when I have the real thing?
Man, that really is a joke that is just not going to end anytime soon!
Matt at Blogs For Victory wanted some photoshops, but, why bother when I have the real thing?
Man, that really is a joke that is just not going to end anytime soon!
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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BWAHAHA oh that’s great!!!
I am appalled that the Obomb has the audacity to use the Seal of The President as a campaign logo…what an ass he is. Change? He wants change? How ’bout being honest with people about his background; his lack of credentials and his slippery sloped dealings…this man is very dangerous and I fear for America if he is elected.
[…] at: Blogs for Victory Pirate’s Cove Ace Sphere: Related Content Tags: 2008, Barack Obama, […]
I think Obama is in for a rough ride over the next 5 months as the focus is put on him. Even some in the very liberal media are having to come after him he has gone so far off the deep end.
TOP 10 President Obamanation Changes:
10. KFC 10% off on Fridays
9. Chic Fillet 10% off on Mondays
8. Swimming lessons free at all YMCA’s for inner city kids
7. Zebra’s will graze on the White House lawn
6. Black Panther security replaces USSS
5. AF ONE’s new call sign: Snoop Dog One
4. Obesity and Ebonics are K O O L?
3. No more reference to the COLOR GUARD
2. Q-Tip dispensers in every White House bathroom
1. “Shama Lama Ding Dong” by Otis Day & Knights / Animal House 1978 replaces “Hail To the Chief”
[…] Pirate’s Cove&hellip | June 20th, 2008 at 8:17 […]
I wonder if anyone has bothered to point out to the moronobama which country it is he’s in and which one he’s running for office of. He better hope he can outrun what’s coming his way if he keeps dickin around.
That stunt just pissed off one of the 57 states entire gun clinging populace.
* The only difference between oBama and oSama is the BS!
Does anyone recall what flick this came from? I think it was an old Hope/Crosby diddy……..Yes we have no banobama’s!
[…] released the hounds (or more-specifically, Slublog). – John McCormack wondered if it was illegal. – William Teach (with not 1, not […]