Here’s a story you will only find if you start with right side blog sitesand search for in the Credentialed Media. Not front page at cBS, ABC, PMSNBC, Washington Post, or LA Times. The only reason it is on the Interwebz front page for the NY Times is that it showed up at the bottom in the “News from AP and Reuters” section: Police, protesters clash as Dems convene in Denver
Denver authorities were busy early Tuesday processing about 100 people who were arrested when police officers and protesters clashed about a mile from the site of the Democratic National Convention.
The confrontation erupted Monday night as police in riot gear tried to disperse a crowd of about 300 people that was disrupting traffic near the Denver City and County Building.
Police said they were forced to use pepper spray when members of the crowd, some carrying rocks, rushed a police safety line. But one protester said officers charged the protesters with no warning.
Those arrested faced charges for violating city ordinances including failure to obey a lawful order, obstructing a public roadway and interference.
Perhaps we should play “Guess the party affiliation” with this story, because there is no mention of which side the moonbats are. And, the moonbats apparently tried to play chicken with people holding riot batons
AP Television News video showed one group of protesters counting down from 10 and then charging at police. They quickly retreated as police shoved them back. Some of the officers gripped their batons, one hand at either end, as they pushed the protesters back.
Good moves, slicks!
There wasn’t a ton of them, as Michelle Malkinwrites, via blogger Charlie Martin: “It’s the world’s most boring riot.†Twoofer Alex Jones also was spitting at her. Michelle is also on the radar of those peaceful, don’t harm Islamists moonbats, as they chanted “Kill Michelle Malkin.” If she dressed like Saddam she would have been fine. Gateway Pundit has more on that subject.
Zombie had some fun during the riot.
One of the few liberals who bothers to mention the scene is Maha, who dismisses the crazies on her side by saying they were just meandering around. The AP refutes that. Also: “Do we want to review what went on in New York City during the 2004 GOP convention, Michelle?” Sure. The majority of people arrested, including those smearing feces on themselves, were Democrat voters.
Good news, though, Maha. This is only day 1.
As far as Michelle Obama’s speech went, I didn’t bother watching it. You knew it was going to be spun to be something completely different then who she is and what she has said before. But, Excitable Andy, Mr. Arch-Conservative himself, continues his Kool Aid bath
There was plenty I didn’t like about this night, as you can tell if you scroll down. But it succeeded in the most important task. Michelle did it. She more than did it. She struck fear in the GOP tonight. Their lies about the Obamas will fail. As they should.
You almost have the progressive patter down pat, Comrade!

[…] William Teach wonders where the presstitute coverage of this is. Answer – it doesn’t meet their “One vision, one purpose” meme. […]
Can you identify these agent provocateurs at the Denver Mint?