And manages to really tick off an enormous amount of people in Mexico, and now that they know about it, the world. Good job, Playboy!
PLAYBOY has got into the Christmas spirit – by putting the Virgin Mary NUDE on its cover.
The controversial mag’s latest festive offering is sure to kick up a storm in Mexico where it was released yesterday.
In its December issue model Maria Florencia Onori is featured posing as the Virgin wearing nothing but an angelic white cloth.
The release was timed for the day before Mexico’s traditional Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, a celebration of an apparition of the Virgin in the town.
Its headline reads in Spanish: “We adore you, Mary.”
Well, on the bright side, at least Playboy isn’t trying to take away all Christmas spirit and displays. Like these folks. (Playboy cover (SFW) below the fold)
But, then we have these folks who put a billboard
The red and white signs carried the messages “I miss hearing you say Merry Christmas” and “Why have you stopped saying Merry Christmas?” Both were signed, “Jesus.”
Can’t seem to find a picture of the billboard. Strange. You’d think one would be part of the story.
Good news, though. The Feds may bailout Christmas. Good thing, since the Feds are going to spend lots of extra $$$ giving Federal employees an extra paid day off for the Christmas holiday at taxpayer expense. I wonder when the government will demand a bailout of the government? I also wonder if all the busy-body liberals who try and ruin and do away with Christmas and the Christian religion within government will take the paid day off, or stand by their convictions and work? Yeah, right, sure. LOL.

[…] released the edition on the Feastday of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In […]