For a Party that always tells us they are looking towards the future, the Democrats sure like to live in the past, and not just in rumination about past victories and those EVIL Booooooosh years, as the Nutroots term them. Their climate change legislation attempts to take us back to life in the late 1800’s. Their potential tax increases would bring us back to the 1950’s. Much of their other legislation would bring us back to the days of FDR. And Russ Feingold? Ah, Russ Russ Russ
Republicans are trying to pass legislation in the next few weeks to kick off the commemoration of the 100thanniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birth, and the only hurdle appears to be Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), who is refusing to let the Senate vote on the bill.
Feingold’s decision to block passage of a bipartisan commission to celebrate the former president’s 100thbirthday has nothing to do with antagonism toward the conservative icon. But he does want to use the momentum behind the bill to drive legislation of his own.
He wants to add an amendment. What is it?
Feingold’s amendment would establish two commissions to study the internment and restrictions of German and Italian Americans and Jewish refugees during World War II, and it is unrelated to the Reagan bill. The Reagan measure would establish a commission to plan federal and state celebrations around Reagan’s centennial birthday in February 2011.
Russ, you can submit that legislation on its own. Did you know that was possible? Of course you do, since you have submitted S.564” A bill to establish commissions to review the facts and circumstances surrounding injustices suffered by European Americans, European Latin Americans, and Jewish refugees during World War II,” on 3/10/2009. Another piece of legislation that lives in the past, and, while perhaps noble, would serve no purpose I can see. Unless someone who is a big donor is looking for something.
Just let it go, Russ. Go play with your resolutions (S.945 and S.964) for Robert M. La Follette, Sr., one of the original progressives, read “fascists.”