For those who haven’t seen this story yet today
George Tiller, the Wichita doctor who became a national lightning rod in the debate over abortion, was shot to death this morning as he walked into church services.
Tiller, 67, was shot just after 10 a.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church at 7601 E. 13th, where he was a member of the congregation. Witnesses and a police source confirmed Tiller was the victim.
A suspect in this morning’s fatal shooting of George Tiller is in custody in Johnson County.
Authorities have yet to release more information about the arrest in Gardner. Wichita police have scheduled a 4 p.m. news conference to discuss the case.
Of course, as usual, the typical leftists went off the reservation. Donald Douglas at American Power does a great job of tearing apart Excitable Andy, who had gone off on one of his (typical) Christianists rants even before any facts are in, as well as many other far left moonbats. He, and many others on the left, were also blaming Bill O’Reilly.
The Other McCain has quite a bit of information on the whole issue, as does Gateway Pundit, who was also the target of Excitable Chucky and his Lizard Zombies. Speaking of Excitable Chucky, what’s a little moonbattery between nuts (quicker then going over to the Democratic Underground for reactions, you know)
A disgusting statement from Operation Rescue’s Randall Terry: George Tiller was a Mass-Murderer, says Randall Terry — We Grieve That he Did Not Have Time to Properly Prepare his Soul to Face God.
Last time I checked, Tiller had killed thousands of babies, including with his ever-popular on the left “Late Term Abortion” procedure. I typically do not get involved in the whole abortion on demand issue except for two things, one of them being late term abortions (the other is parental notification.) I’m not sure if I would categorize Terry’s statement as “disgustion.” And, while I will personally pray for Tiller’s soul, he will have to settle with God, and, an interesting comment from Ace’s place to wrap it up
Someone just shot a Nazi guard manning the gas chamber at Aushwitz. I should feel bad about this ?
Update: Identity known
Although Wichita police declined to name the suspect, Johnson County sheriff identified him as Scott P. Roeder, according to The Associated Press.
And, ye olde President Obama chimes in
I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.
On one hand, Obama is correct. We cannot solve the abortion issue, or others, through murder. We are a Nation of Law, not a Nation of Men. On the other hand, Obama never seems to work up much shock and outrage at the murder of over 2 million babies every year, many of them during the 3rd trimester. I wonder why?
More at Memeorandum.

While I cannot condone murder, neither can I celebrate that someone stooped to his level to commit a crime of this magnitude. I similarly regret that he did not have time to prepare to die. Nobody here is God and only God can take or give life. But then again, if this were a novel, there would be little doubt that there is a sense of poetic justice. I still don’t see how anyone, knowing that early term infants have survived and that babies have REM sleep, could kill a baby just because someone was too lazy or stupid to take precautions. Where are the similar condemnation on women who use this sort of thing as a type of birth control. Note: I am not talking about a situation where the mother’s life is in danger, I am talking about the deliberate decision to end a life because it was inconvenient. I wonder if anyone else has noticed how crimes against children have mushroomed since Roe. v Wade came to court?
Well. I sure as heck think that the guy who murdered that bastard should face the full penalty of the law, up to and including death. The baby-killing piece of filth was not doing anything that was against the law, which is a different topic for a different discussion. Murder is murder is murder is murder. The law is the only thing keeping us from falling into anarchy and a wild west attitude. Ofcourse, I’m not shedding a single tear for Tiller. For his loved ones I do feel bad and am sorry for their loss. But the final comment at Ace’s summed it up nicely.
The radical right strikes again. You are correct murder is murder the doctor never committed murder which is defined as the unlawful taking of life. There have been 9 murders committed by anti abortion foes and 17 attempted murders. by those who believe that they are doing God’s will, As for his “fame” perhaps that was because he had been shot before in 1993. The radical right should not be surprised that their ill chosen words lead some to murder
[…] Pirate’s Cove: George Tiller, Famed Late Term Abortionist, Murdered, Suspect Arrested […]
When such esteemed right wingers as O’Reilly and rush refer to him as a Nazi and a baby killer the violence was predictable.
go fuck yourself john ryan i see you blame o’reilly and limbaugh for this murder not the killer your a piece of trash
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