Why, he is running away to Minneapolis.
(Yeah, I know, not a very good photoshop. Pressed for time)
Why, he is running away to Minneapolis.
(Yeah, I know, not a very good photoshop. Pressed for time)
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Teach will YOU be there ?
Go Team! Rally in DC Attracts Thousands!…
Did I say “thousands?”
I must’ve taken counting lessons from CNN:
For up-to-the-minute coverage of this historic event, please read: Michelle Malkin, The Jawa Report, Ace of Spades, Six Meat Buffet, Gateway Pundit, Pirate’s Cove (heh), Ho…
your still better at photoshop than I am… He looks like he is ready to hit the guy in front of them..
Unfortunately not, John. I had intended to go, but, I am short a few folks, so, had to work today. Sigh. Had a hotel reserved at the Arlington Suites, where I usually stay. It’s a couple blocks from the Metro. Cancelled it.
Yeah, he looks a bit pissed off, rather than shocked or surprised like Brave Sir Robin should.
[…] certainly kicking the butt of those who came to see Barry’s Coronation. Oh, and remember, Barry ran away to Minneapolis today. So much for listening to opposing […]