Happy Sunday! Bit rainy and overcast, but, hey, the plants can use the water. This pinup is by Bill Randall, with a bit of help from Mickey and Donald.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere?
- Just One Minute points out that the NY Times is too biased even to describe the bias
- Don Surber points out that the Times column was a way to sweep the institutional bias under the rug
- And Michelle Malkin points out that the Times is afraid of the New Media
- Over at The Mudville Gazette, Greyhawk fisks the NY Times article on a surge of troops to Afghanistan
- Hey, guess what Iran has done now. A Blog For All has the answer
- Dr. Melissa Clouthier discusses Obama’s “all about me” speech at the United Nations
- As does Flopping Aces
- Gay Patriot delves into the death of the Kentucky cencus worker, and points out the left wing hysteria
- Moe Lane comments on a very delirious HuffPo screed
- Little Green Footballs 2.0 hits Crackpot Chucky’s tip jar
- Blue Crab Boulevard reports on a disturbing trend in home mortgage defaults
- Cassy Fiano points out that Mayor Bloomber is a flaming hypocrite
- Confederate Yankee points out that you just can’t prevent stupid
- Over at The Gun Toting Liberal, once you get past the left wingery, you will probably agree with Bad Dog
- And last, but not least, Rusty points out that there are traitors among us. Make sure to read his PJM article, too.
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain, No One Reads Blogs On Weekends Linkfest & National ‘Good Neighbor Day’ Doing My Bit! at Nation Of Cowards, and Not Reason, Just Britney at The Classic Liberal. Anyone else have a link or hotty fest going on? Let me know so I can feature you.
Also, The Daley Gator has Gator Babes. Sexy Housewife Pinups at The Indentured Servant Girl. The Camp Of Saints has lots of classic babes. Bo Derek at VodkaPundit.

[…] Blake Lively & Leighton Meester Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup […]
As always, thankya much for the linkie-luv, bro! Happy Sunday!
Quite welcome, GTL
Thanks for the link, Skipper.
Linked to at RULE 5 SATURDAY: Tina Louise
PS: I’ve been humming Fly Me To The Moon for some reason.
[…] Sunday Pinup I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN JOEY HEATHERTON […]