Funny how the Left complains about Fox News employees being “biased,” yet, here we have MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer appearing on very far left Stephanie Miller’s show (via The Radio Equalizer)
CONTESSA BREWER (7:06): I mean the thing is is that and I get frustrated and there was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country because there are a lot of people who want to use this terrorist intent to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way or come from certain countries or whose skin color is a certain way. I mean they use it as justification for really outdated bigotry.
Awe, isn’t that cute? I bet the folks at MSDNC were praying that it would be a TEA Partier. Funny how all the real violence comes primarily from Muslims and Liberals, with a tiny dash of extreme right wing that the rest of us want nothing to do with.
Others: The Corner on National …, The Jawa Report, The Other McCain, Gateway Pundit, Pajamas Media and The Swamp
Meanwhile, John McCain says it would be a serious mistake if the Times Square attempted bomber was Mirandized. Have to disagree. Faisal Shahzad is a naturalized American citizen from Pakistan, meaning he is entitled to all the legal protections if caught on US soil.

what legal protections are not afforded to suspects that are not citizens ? I thought that the Constitution of the USA was the Law of the Land (not just citizens) ?
He was a naturalized citizen. But, how did he get a citizenship? What happened to background checks?
Anyway, Mark Levin brought up an interesting point. According to the Constitution, those who fight on the side of the enemy give up their citizenship and thus any protections it affords.
Thus, since this doofus decided to take up the fight for al-queda and taliban, he gave up his citizenship. He is now an enemy combatant.
At least should be.
Here is the thing. They DO NOT have to EVER read this guy his Miranda warning, and he can still be arrested and brought before a judge, the physical evidence and other testimonies being overwhelming.
He simply can not be questioned with any of the answers being used in a court of law against him. I see no issue with him being questioned, without Miranda, in an attempt to glean intelligence which might be time sensitive. If he talks, anything said CAN NOT be used against him in court. Simply Mirandize him after he talks, and see if he will say it all again. At worst his testimony and confession will be thrown out as evidence. Physical evidence might remain what convicts him anyways.
Ofcourse, even during the non-Mirandized questioning for the purposes of intelligence, if he requests a lawyer, then one would be due him as he is indeed being lawfully detained/under arrest and is due counsel.
I don’t think he renounced his citizenship in this case, and even if he did official renounce his citizenship, he doesn’t lose the Constitutional rights of any person present on this soil, which includes the 4th, 5th and 6th amendment protections…