Because your snowflake really should have that hamster, and you, as his/her parent, are just too stupid to understand this
Sell a guinea pig, go to jail.
That’s the law under consideration by San Francisco’s Commission of Animal Control and Welfare. If the commission approves the ordinance at its meeting tonight, San Francisco could soon have what is believed to be the country’s first ban on the sale of all pets except fish.
That includes dogs, cats, hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, birds, snakes, lizards and nearly every other critter, or, as the commission calls them, companion animals.
The Board is whining about the animals ending up in shelters (there’s a shelter for mice, rats, and hamsters???????), but, what it really comes down to, as usual in Liberal World, is the fascist tendencies of the Left to make everyone else do what they want them to do, regardless, and for mostly feelings based reasons, under force of law.
“It’s terrible. A pet store that can’t sell pets? It’s ridiculous,” said John Chan, manager of Pet Central on Broadway, which has been in business 30 years. “We’d have to close.”
Well, now, John, that’s your problem, so, you will just have to suck it up as Liberal World continues its march.
Of course, shocker, people will just go out of town to purchase pets, and SF will not get the tax revenues. Funny how liberal policies tend to hose everyone else, eh? What’s that old saying about a Conservative is a liberal who was raped by liberal policies?

One word–idiots!
johnnie ryan’s Utopia.
OTTER !!! my internet stalker! How have you been little buddy? I haven’t seen any of your posts lately. Nice to see that I am still firmly lodged inside of that little Otter head of yours. I was beginning to think that you had moved on. Teach San Francisco will continue to be a city where people will continue to live. Regardless of whether they will have to go outside of the city to buy pets. This is the reason that median house prices are around 750,000 dollars. and AVERAGE home prices are over 1 million dollars.
Can we tax moronic ideas by the Stupes? We’d be outta the hole in no time!
I dunno, Mojo. I doubt people like ‘lil johnnie make all that much.
Teach San Francisco will continue to be a city where people will continue to live. Regardless of whether they will have to go outside of the city to buy pets.
No one said that people would leave the city, so your argument has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
The fact of the matter is that with San Fransisco in a major budgetary crisis, attacking businesses over pet sales is ridiculous.
You’re correct that it is most likely that no one will leave San Francisco because of this. What people will do is take their money and spend it outside of the city.
Nothing like trying to solve a budget crisis while driving businesses and their tax revenues away.
Or is that too hard for you to understand?