In all my years, I have never witnessed a POTUS use the weekly address, designed to simply talk about the current events, as a platform to campaign and attack. But, then, we have never had a president who never leaves the campaign trail, one who thinks he only represents a portion of the American People
With five weeks remaining before November’s midterms, President Obama is slamming the Republicans’ legislative agenda as a gift to the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
The GOP’s “Pledge to America,” Obama said Saturday during his weekly radio address, promotes “the very same policies that led to the economic crisis in the first place.”
“It is grounded in the same worn-out philosophy: cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires; cut the rules for Wall Street and the special interests; and cut the middle class loose to fend for itself,” Obama said.
“That’s not a prescription for a better future. It’s an echo of a disastrous decade we can’t afford to relive.”
Continuing on (read the whole transcript here), he pushes class warfare, never mentioning that he is one of those “evil rich,” as are most of his advisers. Regardless, I cannot remember either Bush, Clinton, or Reagan being so utterly partisan during their weekly addresses. Pushing partisan policy is one thing: using it as an attack platform is another, especially for campaign purposes. With each passing week, I am closer and closer to saying he is not my president. He doesn’t represent me as an American at least 90% of the time.

What do you mean he doesn’t represent you? After all, he allows you to have a little of the money that you earned. Remember, it is his money. He is modifying your health care so that you don’t have to worry about it any longer, something that doesn’t exist any longer is really not a concern. He is making sure that the US will not have immigration problems by making it less appealing to come here and without industry or productivity, then you don’t have all those people trying to get jobs.
I wonder if he really believes the junk that he is saying? Surely he knows the government caused the crisis we are in and that the banks had zip to do with it (I will explain if john pokes in). For may part he is doing great in one respect, I really do want my state and region to secede again and he is doing great on getting the ball rolling.
I used to hate this guy, but lately i’ve become aware of what has happened to me thanks to bho. I have been to d.c. twice, 9/12 and 8/28, and vegas in April. This man and his administration have galvanized my patriotism and allegiance to this great nation like mo other president, including reagan could have.
God works in mysterious ways !!
[…] address – attacked Republicans! Gee, nothin’ like trying something new for a change. William Teach can’t recall a modern president being so utterly partisan in a weekly address. Just think, we […]
Hahahha benacquisto. So true.
Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to know what you really have, or lost.
I think, hope, that this is our rock-bottom. I would really hate to see someone worse, more partisan, more anti-american, more socialist, more marxist than he is.
I find it odd that Obama slams tax cuts for those who create jobs, while telling us how he would not raise taxes for those under $500K, errr.. $350K… errr.. $300K,…errr $250K. Yet, how well has he held that pledge? Everything he has done is to raise taxes on those low to mid class of people.
Who else does he think will pay for his $20 Trillion dollar give-aways?
At some point, even taxing only the rich has its limits in the amount you can raise. At some point, the rich are not rich anymore. Where are you going to get your money then?
If I was rich, I would hide my money.
[…] address – attacked Republicans! Gee, nothin’ like trying something new for a change. William Teach can’t recall a modern president being so utterly partisan in a weekly address. Just think, we […]