Tsk, tsk, says the NY Times, you Democrats are naughty boys and girls
Democratic candidates across the country are opening a fierce offensive of negative advertisements against Republicans, using lawsuits, tax filings, reports from the Better Business Bureau and even divorce proceedings to try to discredit their opponents and save their Congressional majority.
Opposition research and attack advertising are used in almost every election, but these biting ads are coming far earlier than ever before, according to party strategists. The campaign has intensified in the last two weeks as early voting begins in several states and as vulnerable incumbents try to fight off an onslaught of influences by outside groups.
Now, just imagine this article was about Republicans pulling this stunt
Republican candidates across the country are opening a disgusting offensive of negative attacks against Democrats, using lawsuits, tax filings, reports from the Better Business Bureau and even divorce proceedings to try to destroy their opponents personally and win the Congressional majority.
Opposition research and attack advertising are used in almost every election, but these horrific ads are coming far earlier than ever before, according to party strategists. The campaign has intensified in the last two weeks as early voting begins in several states and Republicans avoid discussing their voting records in favor of smearing their Democrat opponents in a shameless and shocking manner.
What a difference a few words makes, eh? That said, it is understandable that Democrats do not want to discuss their legislative record and accomplishments. People have read the bills after they were passed, and found them to be terrible. Instead, they’ll go after Republican candidates personally, they’ll lie their elitist butts off, and they’ll throw out racial slurs. The women will feel the wrath of Democrat misogyny, as we have seen time and time again against Conservative women such as Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. Christine O’Donnell has now become part of that party. Don’t forget, the Times itself is planning a hit job on John Boehner, claiming he had an affair.
The Times does list out several of the negative, personal ads launched by Democrats (though they forgot to mention the incredibly disgusting one by Alan Grayson), though, and points out they can often backfire
“Our strongest piece of opposition research on Democrats is their voting records,†said Representative Pete Sessions of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “While character assassination seems to be the strategy for Democrats this year, the American people are supporting Republican candidates because they are providing an alternative.â€
In North Carolina, Republican Eldon “Buck” Netwon, running for the NC 11th District, has sued Sen. A.B. Swindell and the Democratic Party for defamation, and this is simply for a State legislative seat.
In North Dakota, Rick Berg, a Republican trying to unseat Representative Earl Pomeroy, a Democrat, decided to make his latest ad about negative ads. “Isn’t it time North Dakota has a congressman who will change Washington and not change the subject with a negative ad?†Mr. Berg asked.
Attack ads and smears have long been rooted in Politics 101, yet, Democrats have made personal smears and attacks into an art form, not to mention their primary type of ads. They do not want to discuss their policy. Heck, many of them do not even want to mention that they’re Democrats. Expect the silly season to get much, much worse, as the Democrats see the potential for epic House losses get closer and closer.
More: R.S. McCain: Remember when Democrats didn’t want to talk about Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers and ACORN? Remember when they kept saying how we need to focus on the important issues that matter to working American families?
Others: The Politico, iOwnTheWorld.com, American Power, CNN, Prairie Weather, Wake up America, Commentary, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and The Page
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

That Alan Grayson link….
That again shows how many Repubs just want to “play above” the fray. DUDES!!! Stand up for what is right!!!
That Repub candidate against Grayson should SUE his ass off. This can not stand!!
I think Repub ads should go after their Dems for supporting things that the Dems don’t want to mention: ObamaCare, Tax INcreases, Bailouts, Buyouts, fannie\freddie, cap n trade, etc.