Obviously, the correct thing to do if your pet cult is dying is to provide more scientific proof, right? RIGHT?
The number of Americans who believe that global warming is a scientific fact has been dropping, and environmental groups and climate scientists who say the evidence for warming is clear are scratching their heads over this reversal and scrambling to find a new strategy. (snip)
They hadn’t won. Climate skeptics worked to convince the public that the scientific argument for climate change was dodgy and exaggerated. The debate sometimes got hostile and personal, as it did in an exchange between climate skeptic Mark Morano and climate activist Joe Romm. (snip)
And then there’s the message: Alden Meyer, with the Union of Concerned Scientists, says climate activists need to offer solutions, not just problems. But old habits are hard to break.
So far, there’s lots of talk about what to do. One group that’s already changing its tune is the Nature Conservancy. It’s now run by a former Goldman Sachs executive, Mark Tercek, who says the Conservancy’s message is going to show that protecting the climate isn’t just about saving polar bears — it’s local.
“We’re talking about protecting what people need from nature — clean water, clean air, good food,” he says — all things that could suffer as the climate warms.
As for the messenger — well, the Conservancy just hired a new marketing director — from the professional wrestling business.
Got that? They need better marketing.
As for Rule 5
It’s a first for India in the ten-year history of the Miss Earth beauty pageant. On Saturday, Pantaloons Femina Miss India (PFMI) Earth 2010 Nicole Faria was crowned Miss Earth at a sparkling ceremony in Vietnam. The 20-year-old from Bangalore had been tipped as a favourite even before she arrived.
Faria, who was a model before she won the Miss India title, holds the cause of environment close to her heart. Her profile lists her desire to help conserve fossil fuels and natural resources. “Once I get back to Bangalore next week, I want to start a campaign for the cycle rickshaw,” she said. “It not only creates jobs for the jobless, but will cut down pollution. I want to do my bit for global warming. Bangalore has lovely weather and it pains me to see air conditioners being used in cars and at homes.”
Apparently, it doesn’t pain her to see the monumental electricity used to put on these pagents, not to mention needing to get around in automobiles and planes. Oh, and surely air conditioning is used.

Admiral, thank you for separating the BS from the truth on this whole issue. When I hear some news item on anything related to climate, I stop here first to see if you’ve written something on it.
Thanks, Bob!
Two sites to check a lot also are Climate Depot and Tom Nelson. Excellent linkers for AGW
Mind you, she’s not going to be humpin’ one of those rickshaws up and down the roads herself, she just thinks it’s a good idea if YOU do.
40% of all Americans believe that Jesus will appear on Earth before 2050. Most scientists do not believe that is likely to happen http://www.evenatthedoors.com/blog/2010/06/27/2010-pew-research-poll-41-of-americans-think-jesus-christ-will-return-before-2050/
you believe in “the heat island effect” but not AGW
not sure if ?monumental” is the correct term but if the end result of having this pageant reduces the total amount of energy used then I would rate it as having a posotive effect. If it did not then well I would say that in the grand scheme of energy use on the planet that the amount used for this pageant would not be significant. And over 50% of vietnam’s electricity comes from renewables, mostly hydro
Wow, Jesus, John? Not sure what that has to do with anything, did u run across an interesting talking point on a left wing site or something?
Anyhow, re urban island effect bs AGW, remember, there is that word “global.” the UIE is a local effect, as I Have told u before
Some Rule 5 Linkage http://tinyurl.com/2vzac99 and a pic
Preciate, YP!