Remember the time when the climate alarmists would disappear during the winter time, because it was hard to push their pet cult while snow fell from the skies and cold temps rocked the land? Apparently, that has all ended, as the alarmists continue to spin away
Barry Hunt, an honorary research fellow at the CSIRO’s Marine and Atmospheric Research unit, says global temperatures will continue to rise even if there is another cold snap.
“Over the last century, the global mean temperature has gone up by 0.8 degrees [Celsius], and that’s the extent of the global warming, but at the same time, we also have natural climatic variation, and you don’t get one or the other, you get them both. They interact,” he said.
Oh, you mean that it has gone up after the end of the Little Ice Age, after it had gone way down after the end of the Global Climate Optimum, after it had gone up etc and so on? And then there is that whole “natural variability” thing. Really, he would make sense, if he did not go down Silly Road
“The climate deniers think that unless you’ve got constant warming, every year, that greenhouse warming has gone away. And they forget about the natural variability.
“We should expect now to see the global warming trend take over again.”
See? It’s all Mankind’s fault for our GHG release. Mother Nature just interfered for a bit. But, according to all the propaganda from the alarmists, this type of variability was not supposed to happen. As CO2 went up, the Earth’s climate was supposed to continue to climb, not level out, and even go down, over the last 15 years. Heck, the globe cooled by .56C over the last 4 days. Anyhow, I blame…..Ed Morrissey, for using a snow blower certainly powered by fossil fuels.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

Yeah, but Ed’s head reflects those awful photons back into space where they belong.
Quote from quote:
“Over the last century, the global mean temperature has gone up by 0.8 degrees [Celsius], and that’s the extent of the global warming, but at the same time, we also have natural climatic variation, and you don’t get one or the other, you get them both. They interact,†he said.
This doofus is an idiotic doofus. Hey, if 0.8C is the extent of the global warming, then we are done right? We are there?!!? We’ve got nothing to worry about then right? We’ve reached the extent of man-made warming? Whew.
Wait, now I’m confused. Man-made warming is TIED to natural “climatic variation”? We don’t get one without the other? How can that be? I though that man was a cancer, a virus, upon the earth. That if man were gone, the earth’s climate would be fat and happy just chuggin along at a constant earth-happy temp?
But now we are told that because earth’s temps naturally vary, then there is a natural symbiotic man-made warming as well? WE can’t have one without the other?
Does that mean, that if we fight against man-made warming that we are fighting against natural warming as well?
And, if they are so tied together, then how can you tell one’s impact from the other? And, if you can’t tell the forcings from nature, how can you tell the amount of man-made forcing?
My head hurts.
Ge Captain don’t get so stressed out, it is science. What it means Captain is that the current warming rate which is higher than at any other time is being caused by the increase in greenhouse gases. Even though they are only 2% of our atmosphere they provide a tremendous amount of warmth. If they did not exist in our atmosphere the temps would be 60 degrees colder. A refresher course in middle school or high school Earth science would probably be beneficial.
A refresher course in middle school or high school Earth science would probably be beneficial.
A simple course would teach you that science begins with a premise that is either proved or not proved from a given fact.
that the current warming rate which is higher than at any other time is being caused by the increase in greenhouse gases.
This statement is neither proven, a premise, or factual.
Back to school you go.
Hmm, good point, Dan. Reflective cooling.
At some point, actual science might creep into the media reports, Captain. But, I wouldn’t bet on it.
So…..GHGs are actually necessary for life on Earth, John? Good thing to know.
No, no, GT, see you have to disprove their cultish behavior. They don’t have to prove anything, because, well, wait, you’re right, AGW is not disprovable, because it causes everything. In fact, I’d posit that people trying to show that the “science” of AGW is BS causes global warming.
The proverbial smoke up my ass.