So, a bit of background
The Family Leader, a prominent Iowa group that promotes Christian conservative social values, said Thursday it is asking all presidential candidates to sign a pledge regarding their personal convictions on traditional marriage.
The pledge is entitled, “The Marriage Vow – A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family.â€
The organization’s chief executive officer is Bob Vander Plaats, a conservative evangelical leader who was the state chair of Mike Huckabee’s Republican presidential campaign when he won the 2008 Iowa Caucuses. Vander Plaats said the Family Leader will not support any candidate who declines to sign the pledge.
“If you are looking at being a leader of our great country….we would like to have you pledge personal fidelity to your own spouse and a respect for the marital bonds of others,†Vander Plaats told reporters at a news conference on the steps of the Iowa Statehouse.
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota, quickly signed the pledge Thursday, while an aide to to former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman said he never signs any pledges. A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, said the congressman has reservations, while a representative of President Barack Obama’s Democratic campaign committee declined comment.
And Think Progress jumps off the reservation with two headlines
- BREAKING: Bachmann pledges to ban pornography
- Iowa Group Asks Republican Candidates To Agree That Homosexuality Is A Choice, Pornography Should Be Banned
Oh my goodness, bans pornongraphy!!!! (second link excerpt)
PORNOGRAPHY SHOULD BE BANNED: Vow 9 stipulates that the candidate must “support human protection of women and the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy†and protect them from “seduction into promiscuity and all forms of pornography…and other types of coercion or stolen innocence.â€
Go ahead and check the PDF for the pledge, then scroll down to #17 for more details…….why, yes, there is nothing about banning pornography, it is all about protecting women who are seduced into pornography. Why does Think Progress hate women?
Of course, TP thinks knows that their readers are entirely too stupid to actually click the link and read the whole pledge. They also hyperventilate, as does Alan Colmes and many other liberals, over the anti-Sharia law portion.
I’ll admit, I do not particularly care for these social conservative type pledges and some of the issues raised, as the government, particularly the federal government, should stay out of our private lives. But, sheesh, why do liberals hate women? Or, do they simply like degradation of women for pornography over women’s rights?
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Careful now. Bachman is treading on the libertarians who back her who basically do not care if you marry a cow, pig, duck, or someone of the same sex.
Its not about Family values to the libertarians who believe you should be able to smoke dope, guzzle whiskey and drive 90 mph thru a school zone while shooting your assault rifle out the window……just as long as no one gets hurt.
Careful now Ms Bachman….you are treading on a lot of potential toes that might support you….signing this pledge will give the presidency to Obama because I believe Ron Paul will do a third party bid in 2012 which will pull about 5 percent of potential voters from the GOP candidate.
And that is my word of the day.
[…] Heh: Soros Funded Think Progrees Hyperventilates Over Bachmann Signing Family Leader Pledge […]
Word…I like her because she doesn’t try to be all things to all people. She is who she is and she doesn’t apologize for it. Not only that, she stands by her convictions. Kind of like Ronald Reagan. I like her and am thinking of switching to the Republican party (currently registered Libertarian) just do I can vote for her in the primary. Herman Cain is my fave, but he has made some serious mistakes and can’t seem to get traction outside of the Southeast.
One of the problems in our country is that the left wants to tell us what to do and the right wants to tell us what to do. In short, there is little difference in the two, except on what they are telling us to do. We need a candidate that is for “leaving everyone alone”. That is the number one objective. Bauchman is two much in the mold of the great Prostestant surger of the 1880’s that got us into this crap government that we currently have.
The pledge is stupid – even if people are distorting its content. I read it, and it is insanity. Sounds like something out of the Middle Ages.
I love to see the Soros one world utopian humanists twist in the wind!
They should all be in jail anyway.. Soros the Nazi.
Sorry David, that just doesn’t make any sense.
It is liberalism and socialism that ruined our country. Protestantism freed people to believe in their God in their own way and to have a bible in every home. It led to our country’s founding by driving a wedge against state-sponsored church.
Libertarians, while seeking to be left alone, value anarchy. Bachman values conservative religious values that our nation still values.
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota, quickly signed the pledge Thursday
Shows she is dedicated to marriage and retaining family values. If you believe in something, doesn’t hurt to sign a pledge to make your office based on those beliefs.
while an aide to to former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman said he never signs any pledges.
Makes one wonder how he would refuse to take the “pledge”\Oath of Office of the President of the US. How did he become governor when there was a pledge to take?
A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, said the congressman has reservations
Shows the real belief system of libertarians. Not to family values for sure. True Libertarians believe in anarchy.
while a representative of President Barack Obama’s Democratic campaign committee declined comment.
Why would he. He refuses to take a stand on anything. Even on homosexual marriage. He’s come out on both sides. Don’t expect that to change prior to 2012 election.
I believe he is ok with it based upon his very liberal and anti-church views.
I see their was some consternation on my post above. Let me say that I like Michelle Bachman. Right now I am leaning towards voting for her.
I am simply stating that the Family values thing is a sure turn off to the libertarians in the right wing. See Ron Pauls reservations about signing such a pledge.
There is a shrewd and lewd movement in the MSM and the bloggs and everywhere to main stream radical left idealogy and then force the GOP to move LEFT in order to appear moderate.
This is still a right of center country and voters vote with their wallets. This election is about the ECONOMY…….all this marriage and foreign policy, and gay rights and religion and muslims and immigration is just the MEANS to sway the right from the message of 2011-2012.
ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID….that is why I cautioned Michelle to be cautious.
and that is a follow up word of the day.
[…] Liberaland, Iowa Caucuses, The Maddow Blog, Wonkette, The Atlantic Online, Jezebel, Liberal Values, Pirate’s Cove, Atlas Shrugs, Minnesota Independent, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Raw Story, GOP 12, Alas, a Blog […]
Word, the second.
[…] Liberaland, Iowa Caucuses, The Maddow Blog, Wonkette, The Atlantic Online, Jezebel, Liberal Values, Pirate’s Cove, Atlas Shrugs, Minnesota Independent, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Raw Story, GOP 12, Alas, a Blog […]
[…] This is not the most clearly drafted statement in the world, but nowhere does it call for a ban on pornography. At most it calls for the “protection†of women and children from “all forms of pornography,†which is not quite the same thing. There are many policies that could “protect†women and children from pornography short of a ban. Alternative readings — such as that a candidate vows to protect women and children from “seduction into . . . all forms of pornography†would be even less supportive of Think Progress’ interpretation. A footnote — the pledge has lots of footnotes — identifies many things as “inherently coercive of vulnerable females,†including “child pornography and prostitution,†but leaves simple pornography off the list. That’s an odd omission if the pledge actually commits its signatories to banning “all forms†of pornography. If the organizers of the pledge wish to ban pornography across the board — and for all I know, they do — they did not incorporate this position into their pledge. (See also here and here.) […]