So says The Politico’s Glenn Thrush
Of all the presidents to occupy the Oval Office in recent years, Barack Obama would seem the least likely to be wrestling with what President George H. W. Bush so unforgettably called “the vision thing.â€
Glenn would have done well if he explained what “the vision thing” is. In a nutshell, Bush 41 was told he should focus more on the long term issues and less on the short term issues, too which he replied “oh, the vision thing.”
Oh, and Glenn? Obama is the only person to occupy the Oval Office in recent years. He’s been there 2 1/2 years. Interestingly, George W Bush, who you were attempting to demean, was much better at not only having the vision thing, but implementing the vision thing. Unless Obama’s vision thing was to take poor economic conditions and turn them into bad economic conditions.
But Obama, who ran on inspiration and transformation in 2008, has spent two-and-half years trudging through a morass of economic, foreign policy and political crises, often at the expense of projecting a consistent, compelling vision for the country.
You mean he actually had to DO the job of president, when he would have rather been out there talking about unicorns and faeries?
It’s not that Obama is overwhelmingly unpopular, despite the lousy economy: Before this week’s 39 percent Gallup approval rating, the lowest of his term, he’s been hovering in the 40s. Or that he hasn’t tried to project a broader message: Remember “Winning the Future†and “New Foundation� Or that he’s nibbled, Clinton-style, around the edges of America’s most pressing problems: He’s rammed health care, financial reform and stimulus bills through an often uncooperative Congress.
?????? Pardon me? Uncooperative Congress? Democrats controlled the full Congress during that time period. Republicans tried to stop Obama and the Dems from passing those craptastic pieces of legislation, which the American populace was, and still is, against. And, remember, the acronym for Winning The Future is WTF (what the f**k, for those not into Internet shorthand).
The problem, historians, pollsters and fellow Democrats say, is that he’s done so much, said so much and recalibrated so much, voters are having a hard time getting a fix on how a president so focused on the future plans to win it.
No, the problem is that he’s done so much that people do not like, none of it has helped, the economy’s still in the tank, and all Obama can do is Blame Bush. He refuses to take responsibility for anything (except when it goes well). If he were a private sector CEO, he would have been fired by now.
“Americans aren’t quite sure what the grand vision of Barack Obama really is. … His chess pieces are really scattered around the board,†says presidential historian Douglas Brinkley, who spent several hours in the White House in 2009 and 2010 discussing the presidency with Obama.
“At this point in time I don’t think he can afford not to have a clearer vision of what he plans to do with the country,†Brinkley says. “FDR had the New Deal, JFK had The New Frontier, Reagan had Morning in America, George W. Bush had compassionate conservatism and the War on Terror. What does Obama have? People don’t need to agree with you, but they need to understand what you stand for so they can decide to be for or against you.â€
But, people do know what Obama believes in: class warfare, increasing the size of government, blaming others, taking vacations, throwing parties, playing golf, and telling others to implement whatever thing he wants done while he gallivants off to give yet another teleprompter speech. Hope and change is not a vision. He never truly had the vision thing. The 2008 election was more about electing a prom queen than about electing a competent president. And the queen who won is a nasty, bubble-headed dilettante who likes to insult everyone who doesn’t agree with him before saying “we need to work together.”
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

What this has come down too and I believe it.
1. The left…led by progressives/antiwar…..absolutely embarked on a mission to destroy GWB and his administration and presidency.
2. This was in response to the right embarking on an effort to destroy Clinton during his presidency which resulted in impeachment proceedings.
3. This was in response to the Left trying desperately to destroy Reagan with the Iran/contra affair and many other nameless assaults on his administration.
4. So what has been going on in 2008-2011 is that it is perceived automatically that the right is trying to destroy Obama because…….
Well thats what everyone does to the other guys president.
So the question is………..are we actually doing that.
I would answer yes. But with a disclaimer.
Obama does not need a lot of help. He is such a totally mess when it comes to president. Incapable, inable and Unwilling to lead that plain criticism of him is enough to destroy his presidency. Remember this is a president who had a veto proof majority and failed to do essentially anything but debate health care for a year and a half…then pass a bill that will most likely get repealed.
Yes we are trying to destroy this mans presidency but in his case……..not so for reagan, clinton or bush…..he is totally inept and incapable of being president of the United States of America.
Obama has plenty of vision – it’s called ‘tunnel’.
True Word. No need for a historical basis or ideological vengeance…. enough to hate him all by himself
“trudging through a morass……. OMFG… a morass THAT HE AND THE SOCIALISTS CREATED!!!!!
“foreign policy”?? what foreign policy. He’s pissed every country off!!! He’s bowed and groveled all he could and yet people hate him. easy peazy.
and political crises, often at the expense of projecting a consistent, compelling vision for the country.
in other words… absolutely no “compelling” vision. DUDE!! he had a vision, it was to screw over and subdue the American economy to that of a third world dictatorial economy. In that, his vision has worked.
It’s not that Obama is overwhelmingly unpopular, despite the lousy economy: Before this week’s 39 percent Gallup approval rating, the lowest of his term, he’s been hovering in the 40s.
Try some grammar first. Second, try and reread what you type. Being in the 40’s MEANS ABSOLUTELY that he is overwhelmingly unpopular. And that DID occur before he dropped below 40%. DUH!!! Is this like saying that decaying food is still considered food?
Or that he’s nibbled, Clinton-style, around the edges of America’s most pressing problems: He’s rammed health care, financial reform and stimulus bills through an often uncooperative Congress.
That doesn’t even make a bit of sense. First off, that first sentence is nasty, disgusting and ….. gag. Second, how can you say ‘NIBBLED’ and then use the word.. RAMMED?!??!? And yes Teach… “uncooperative”? Its been Socialist controlled since 2007 and he’s had total power for 2 years!!
The problem, historians, pollsters and fellow Democrats say, is that he’s done so much,
YES!!! OMG!! YES!!!!! He’s done way to friggin much!! WAY TOO MUCH. He’s done more than he legally should as well. Enough already!! Stop Him.
Recalibrated?!?! A man of conscience and morality and centered-ness…. doesn’t have to recalibrate every month. Maybe that’s why people are confused.
“Americans aren’t quite sure what the grand vision of Barack Obama really is.
Maybe that’s because he really doesn’t have one after 2.5 years!?!?? SCHAW!? All he can do is blame everyone else. He’s the loser in the pre-school class that only blames others when he breaks things. He blames others when he gets in trouble…. and actually believes it when he says it.
He is that stupid.
Please people… anyone. anyone running for office. Ask this question…. If Obama takes all of the income from the 8,000 millionaires and billionaires in this country…. how will that help YOU?!? Will you be able to pay your bills because those 1,000 billionaires no longer have any income to pay their worker’s salaries?!?! Will you be able put gas in your car’s tank thanks to the seizure of their income?
It’s time to stand up to these idiots.
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