Here’s CBS News attempting to provide a little cover for the partier in chief
There has been criticism of the president’s vacation at this time. But how does the number of vacation days the president has spent compare to his predecessors? CBS Radio’s Mark Knoller has kept track of presidential vacations for years and supplied the data.
So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacatio days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spen 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.
Greg at Rhymes With Right says the whole controversy is dumb. I have to disagree a bit: much of politics is about optics, and it isn’t so much about taking vacations, but where and when. Here we are with tough economic conditions, crummy unemployment situation, Obama’s throwing out his tired talking point about taxing the rich, yet, he continues to take expensive vacations in exotic locations for long periods of time.
There’s no doubt he’s working while there, but we are also treated to him playing around a lot. Remember all the weeks spent in Hawaii? Now we get another 10 days in Martha’s Vineyard.
Bush spent lots of time at his home, not heading off to exclusive and expensive spots. If Obama wanted to spend lots of time at his Chicago home, or even Camp David, it would not be an issue. But, add all the vacation days to all the days golfing, all the parties, the never ending campaign appearances, and, really, not getting a lot done himself, and it looks bad.

I think the false equivalency from the left is equating days Bush spent at his ranch with Obama’s vacations in Hawaii, Martha’s vineyard, etc. It’s one thing to go home for the weekend in tough economic times, it’s quite another to send weeks on end in pricey resorts and million dollar rentals.
By that standard, Obama spent way more time “on vacation” than Bush.
Exactly. Especially with Obama’s doom and gloom talk.