Strange that I’m failing to find this story in any of the usual liberal media outlets
(Big Government) But Pastor T. Ray McJunkins of the Union Baptist Church and President of the Faith Coalition for the Common Good and William McNary of USAction stole the show.
McJunkins delivered an energetic address he closed up metaphorically with the story of David and Goliath, ultimately declaring:
We are the Davids … and you may be a big giant, a big goliath, but David had 5 smooth stones that brought Goliath down … all he had was stones and a sling shot, and I just wonder out there among us, how many of you came with your sling today? … Load your slings up today when we leave here, putting a smooth stone of equal rights at the collective bargaining table and throw it at Goliath … And Goliath will come down, Scott Walker we send you back to Wisconsin as David did Goliath, we cut your head off and go back into town, singing a new song!
Rather uncivil and violent discourse, wouldn’t you say? Surely, most of us who live in Reality Land understand that this is simply a metaphor, but, under the Liberal Rules Of Political Discourse, this is considered to be a call to violence, so, it should be condemned. When will we hear Obama and all his peeps denounce it?
Then you have William McNary, a longtime ally of the Communist Party and Obama
McNary lit up the crowd as he warned the unions to be prepared, “they are gonna call us names now … they are gonna say we are engaging in class warfare … they say this as they lower our wages and cut our benefits, were engaging in class warfare, they say this as they lay off workers and send jobs over seas, we’re engaging in class warfare … They got the nerve that we’re engaging in welfare[sic]? But I got a message for ‘em, the bully Scott Walker and all the bully governors across this country. We didn’t ask for this fight, we didn’t pick this fight, but if it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you gonna get. Knuckle up! Knuckle up! Knuckle up!†he shouted to the roaring crowd.
So, will you Democrats denounce this violent tone?
Oh, and lest you think Big Government made it up, there’s video at the link.

[…] Pirate’s Cove: Union Supporting Speaker Says Of Scott Walker “We Cut Your Head Off†[…]
[…] democrats. These people are pure evil. When you see leftist leaders shaking their fists and calling for action, these are the people they’re talking to.Oh, one more thing. This troll seems to think I keep […]
[…] Pirate’s Cove: Union Supporting Speaker Says Of Scott Walker “We Cut Your Head Off†[…]