I’m sure no one is surprised nor shocked by the blatant anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian terrorist leanings of the NCDP
(Daily Caller) The North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) is seriously considering passing a resolution that would criticize Israel for its “illegal occupation†of Palestine, the latest in a long line of controversial moves coming out of one of the major battleground states President Barack Obama’s team is banking on to win re-election.
The resolution didn’t pass at this weekend’s NCDP state convention, but was tabled and referred to the executive committee for further consideration later. It attacks the United States for providing Israel with “$3 billion annually in military aid,†while the “Israeli occupation, disenfranchisement and impoverishment of significant numbers of the Palestinian population, and Israel’s overwhelming military might and its role as the only nuclear power threaten stability in a region witnessing increased demands for democracy and an end to autocratic rule.â€
Apparently, those voting probably realized that this would look bad, but rather than dump it, they are going to keep it around and try again. It says something about the anti-Israel leanings of Democrats that they even brought it up for a vote. Much like al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist groups, the far left, both here in the United States and around the world, think Israel is the root of all problems in the world, and wouldn’t mind seeing the nation destroyed.
If it ends up being passed, the resolution would mean the NCDP “would hold its elected congress members and senators accountable for helping end our government’s role in continuing the Israeli Palestinian tragedy by making the human rights of both peoples central to U.S. foreign policy by ending Israel’s illegal occupation, by advocating for a viable Palestinian state, and membership of that state in the United Nations.â€
It would also, if passed, mean the NCDP would advocate its congressional delegation bring “all parties, including Hamas, to the table to negotiate an end to the Israeli Occupation and a secure peace based on the 1967 borders,†among other things.
All blame is placed on Israel, and they even want to negotiate with a terrorist group which consistently attacks Israel’s civilian population. Not a particularly surprising notion, what with Obama administration signaling that the Egyptian military should accede to the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that has vowed to destroy Israel, and hand over power. The MB has stated that they would do away with the peace treaty with Israel. You have Commentary Magazine and the NY Times stating the same thing. In their anti-Israel hatred they support hardcore Islamists.

No worries, mate, because the only people to whom congressmen and senators are actually accountable are the voters.
What has happened to NC? They used to be a good southern state. Now, they are turning Yankee.
If only most were accountable to us, Dana.
Too many people moving down here from up North, David, creating an influx of liberals, particularly in the more urban areas and north-east part of the state. Funny thing is, they tend to denigrate Southern culture, yet move the hell out of the North.
I had one moron as a customer who was from Mass. who actually said that Barbecue was disgusting.
One time a few years ago I was talking to a couple that had moved down from Long Island who were whining about this and that, constantly putting the South and NC down. I patiently explained to them that I-95 goes north and south, and I-40 heads west. Plus a few other roads, and if they would kindly pick one they could be on their merry.
LOL Teach.
My question is… what does Israel have anything to do with what is going on in NC?
Why in the Lord’s good name are they even caring? Hey, I know, since unemployment with this party is way over 8-50%, let’s blame Israel and see if we can get people back to work!!
Welp, it works so well for the UN, might as well try it locally. Guess we know where the NCDNC got their members, huh?
Well, see, NC is on the Atlantic Ocean, and the Atlantic merges with the Mediterranean, and Israel is on the Med, so it must be the business of the NCDP…..those initials look strangely Commie. Or Fascist.
It shows what the Party’s priorities are, and how much Dems hate Israel.
Jews will always vote Dem, they still haven’t forgiven the right wing for their part in the holocaust.
Not all of us ‘yanks’ hate the south. Some of us love it. I’m an escapee from NY myself, and though I occasionally rant about drivers here in the midwest, everytime I go back to NY, it simply doesn’t feel like home. What does? Midwest. Texas. The south.
As for the NCDP and our tribe, not sure how the tea leaf readers are looking at things these days, but the democratic party is setting itself up to become irrelevance and a non-factor in political circles. There are smart and well meaning democrats out there, and many are so pissed off by the idiocy of the obama-left-wingers, that they are looking to leave. Most of them understand that obama has been an unmitigated disaster. Most won’t be voting for him.
Damn gnats. You swat at them but they just seem to always keep buzzing around with no purpose whatsoever.