And most look oh-so-reasonable
(The Hill) Members of the 113th Congress introduced 10 bills on Thursday relating to gun violence, most of which came from Democrats seeking new restrictions on gun ownership.
The flurry of legislative proposals show that members are likely to push the issue in the wake of the December shooting at a Connecticut elementary school that left 20 children dead.
Carolyn McCarthy, an anti-gun zealot, introduced 4
H.R. 137 and 138 from McCarthy would require people prohibited from buying firearms to be listed in a national database, and would prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition clips.
McCarthy’s H.R. 141 would require criminal background checks on all firearms transactions at gun shows, which would close the so-called gun-show loophole. Her H.R. 142 would require face-to-face purchases of ammunition, the licensing of ammunition dealers, and the reporting of bulk ammo purchases.
Sounds reasonable. I really do not have a problem with this legislation. Of course, the vast majority of ammo dealers require that people who place orders pick up said orders at licensed firearms stores, just like with gun orders. And the proof is in the details of what the legislation says, and none of them are available to read as of yet on Thomas or at her webpage.
Bobby Rush, Rush Holt, Jim Moran, and Sheila Jackson Lee also submitted legislation. Lee’s would raise the eligibility age to carry a handgun from 18-21. I’m sure the young criminals who break the law regarding murder in Chicago will quickly ignore her.
Two freshman Republicans introduced contrary bills that would end federal law requiring that areas around schools be designated as “gun free zones.” These bills, H.R. 35 from Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) and H.R. 133 from Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), are a response to findings that violence in and around schools has increased since the gun free zone law took effect in 1990.
I think some Republican should introduce legislation to disarm all federal agents that guard Democrats, since Dems are so anti-gun. Also, legislation that creates a gun free zone around all Democrat offices. Bet they wouldn’t like that!

Gun laws cannot prevent all bad things from happening only reduce frequency. Like when the Federal government added laws about fully automatic weapons.
Teach, reasonable allows the continued erosion of our god-given rights.
There already is a national database. How else do you think people who are felons are prohibited from buying firearms, already? And according to the Dems a large capacity clip is anything over 5 cartridges. There is no reason to ban high cap clips. We need to fight this.
THERE IS NO LOOPHOLE!! All dealers are already required to do background checks. I fear that this is going after the personal and private transactions. This will attack the natural law on private sales. That would be unconstitutional.
This is stupid. And would impose undue burdens upon sellers and buyers of ammo. Like the 32oz soda ban, people will just buy more. And to then put another charge for transferring sales to a FFL dealer???? This needs to be fought against tooth and nail.
There is no reason for reporting either as most purchases are done by competitive shooters and hobbyists. .22LR are OFTEN bought in bulk. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DATA that shows mass shooting killers have purchased mass amounts of ammo online.
That is wrong teach. Online ammo purchases are not treated the same as online firearm purchases.
How far have smokers allowed “reasonable” restrictions on their smoking? And how far have anti-smokers taken it? Smoking is now almost officially banned, yet it is a still wholly legal activity.
If we continue to allow an increase in “reasonable” restrictions, they will continue to erode our rights.
Do you think the ban on salt, transfat, sodas are “reasonable”?
It may sound reasonable to you, but if these pass you can bet the bills that follow will require more restrictions and finally the turn in of all firearms.
If someone is going to kill they are going to kill no matter what it takes to do just that. The two who attacked the Columbine school also had 2 propane bombs that did not go off. Remember that? Also in China last week, a crazed man purposely drove his car into a group of school children.
Then there is the fire madmen who purposely set fires to kill.
The obscene goal of the Dems is to CONTROL for they are for sure ushering us all into the “New World Order” where control is the key to it’s success.
Exposing Gun Myths!
“Never again”! Are you ready to give up you 2nd. Amendment and will you agree to disarm ourselves so big government can have their complete control over us once again? Your call America!
Gun Confiscation in 10 easy steps.
If human beings could be confiscated and burned with ease, how much easier will all of your guns fall under the same spell?
[…] also opposed to people’s rights, if those rights happen to be ones of which they disapprove. William Teach noted that on the first day of the eleventy-third Congress, Democrats introduced eight… Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) submitted legislation which “would raise the […]
Obviously McCarthy’s never heard of reloading. Shhh, don’t tell her.
Am sure that will be covered in an amendment, Quisp.
[…] Ban Bill Introduced In New York State SenateJanuary 6, 2013By Lonely ConservativeNY Sen. Ruben DiazDemocrats have introduced 8 different gun control bills at the federal level, but that hasn’t stopped New York State Democrats from taking matters into their own hands. […]