Fortunately for them, ObamaCare is working on making a shorter work day a reality, as are the Obama economic policies (via Tom Nelson, of course)
(US News And World Report) Want to reduce the effects of global warming? Stop working so hard. Working fewer hours might help slow global warming, according to a new study released Monday by the Center for Economic Policy and Research.
A worldwide switch to a “more European” work schedule, which includes working fewer hours and more vacation time, could prevent as much as half of the expected global temperature rise by 2100, according to the analysis, which used a 2012 study that found shorter work hours could be associated with lower carbon emissions.
The Center for Economic Policy and Research is a liberal think tank based in Washington.
Of course, those vacations would have to be staycations, otherwise all the fossil fueled travel would undo this plan. And, no, the Warmists don’t mind giving up economic prosperity to save Gaia from getting a fever.
And, let’s not forget that there really hasn’t been any real global warming since 1990, with a whopping increase of .28F over 22 years.
But, I’m sure Lefties would be thrilled with having to work less, and would agitate to get paid exactly the same.

Teach you are cherry picking the years, again. 1990 was very hot. What about if you had chosen some other year to begin, wouldn’t that give a different amount ?
Your evidence is less than compelling. Climate truthers are disappearing like the polar ice cap.
The “it is a giant conspiracy” is beginning to just get laughter now.