Over at Ace’s spot, BenK provides his morning link dump and offers this
The media is going to be falling all over themselves to push things. The above link is already softly pushing the raaaaacism meme
Sky News Foreign Affairs Editor Tim Marshall said: “Seven years as pope is not very long.
“Last time, there was a lot of speculation that it was time for the first black pope. What Pope Benedict has done in recent years is to pack the ranks of the Vatican with lots of Europeans.”
Eeeeevil old white men!!!!!!1!! And
Dr Rebecca Rist, an expert in the history of the papacy from the University of Reading, said: “The cardinals will now have to elect a new pope – perhaps someone from South America or Africa – areas of the world where the Church is growing in numbers.
“The new pope will have huge global issues to prioritise – poverty, education, human rights, the environment – and not least the importance of faith and belief in an increasingly secularised Europe.
Um, might one of the new Pope’s priorities, and really, his main priority, be, well, the Catholic religion?

Our esteemed host wrote:
Kind of a major quibble here: the religion is Christianity, while Catholic refers to the Church.
Next will be an Italian. It’s the rules.
They had a Polak, followed by a Kraut. Now it’s the Eyeties again.
Wow.. just think.. a whole university dedicated to READING books… or something. Granted, nowadays its probably READING facebook and twitter… but hey, at least they are pushing reading.
Hmmmm… how about focusing upon the growth of Christianity and the protection of religion and religious freedom, especially in America and more importantly, in 3rd World Nations.
Has anyone spoken out about the Christian massacres by Muslims across the Asian, the East, Mid-East and African countries?
How about standing up for the right to exist for all human kind? How about actually coming down hard on abortion to the extent of excommunicating political leaders who espouse the purposeful killing of babies? And, excommunicate priests who don’t believe in Jesus?
How about instead of promoting the coming anti-christ, he actually DEFEND and PROMOTE the true word of GOD?
That Pope spoke often about climate change, he put solar panels all over the Vatican. OH and he demanded Mercedes make his Popemobile all electric. The right wing hated him for all that and more, he often spoke up for the Palestinians. Teach would you consider him to be a hypocrit for still leaving behind a carbon footprint of some size?
Both of the last 2 Popes were heavy greenies. Ihttp://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/09/the-vatican-goe/
The Vatican’s 37 acres is now generating more power tahn it uses, all solar.
don’t be your typical idiot self, basement johnny. come back to reality. “right-wing” is not against saving energy. We are against it when it comes at the expense of someone else.
And as for your claim of “carbon neutrality”…
yeah… not so much, huh?
why is it ok to build a forest to slowly over decades place Carbon back in to the ground. Yet, you greenies are all against the highly efficient carbon sequestration via mechanical means?