…is an evil can of hairspray, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Perspective, with a video of a young girl astounding people with her 2nd Amendment protection speech.
…is an evil can of hairspray, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Perspective, with a video of a young girl astounding people with her 2nd Amendment protection speech.
What caught my eye about this girl is that she has the same last name as James Hansen, the numero uno global warming alarmist who at times has bizarre mood swings and emotional outbursts. But she’s likely not related as she is from Down Under.
Betty Hansen is also a girl that is astounding people with her self-shot photos on Twitter, earning her an invite from Penthouse to do a photoshoot that was printed in July 2012, with another new one coming.
whodathought you’d know that JG?
I was wondering about all the petroleum-based products spattered all over her and her bathroom.