As The Lonely Conservative points out, Chelsea is apparently not the brightest tool in the shed
(Life News) From the stage at the recent Women Deliver conference, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.â€
Chelsea’s grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy. And new research shows that her family is not alone in treasuring a person who – if Planned Parenthood had been successful – would not have been born.

Which would have meant, that it would have made a difference at this point. If the Rodham line would have ended at the point of a knife or suction tube, then probably those 4 americans who were left to die in Benghazi could still be alive.
Her grandmother worked in my town. She was considered a whore and was so bad as a nurse that she had to move to Arkansas. Her mother is known to have several female lovers in nearby Texas and her father had a woman in every town in Arkansas, the state police pimped for him.
So are we, Chelsea. So are we.
[…] – would not have been born.Talk about wishing your life away!Update: Linked by I’m 41 and The Pirate’s Cove – thanks!Tweetvaso linkgoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created […]