…is an evil fridge holding an evil turkey which cause Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist, and should spread awareness to all of your evil climate denying relatives as you eat the turkey
The blog of the day is 1389, with some Thanksgiving cartoons.
We also have, Thanksgiving-wise (these are what was posted when I wrote this early morning)
- A View From The Beach with pinups
- American Glob has a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
- American Perspective with the classic WKRP flying turkeys bit
- Diogene’s Middle Finger has Abe Lincoln
- Evil Blogger Lady has Thanksgivukkah
- Flopping Aces with Thanksgiving cartoons
- Maggie’s Farm goes back to 1789 <—this is really cool
- Nice Deb says Happy Thanksgiving
- Political Clown Parade says to give thanks
- Proof Positive has Thanksgiving Pinup (yup, I noticed)
- Randy’s Roundtable does Happy Thanksgiving
- The Camp Of The Saints is thankful
- Daley Gator has good wishes
- The First Street Journal says thanks
- The Last Refuge has Thanksgiving cats
- Hopefully The Lonely Conservative won’t be lonely on Thanksgiving
- The People’s Cube carves up some Obamacare talking points
- Wild Thing says Happy Thanksgiving
- This ain’t Hell… has a Thanksgiving feel good story
- Wake Up America has a Thanksgiving poem
- Western Hero has a simply Thanksgiving hymn
- Yid With Lid has Abe Lincoln on T-day
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has T-day girls with guns
Now, go eat, drink, be merry, be thankful. But, be climate change conciseness. Remember, any Bad Weather is Your Fault!

THanks for the shout-out!
Happy Thanksgiving Admiral.
Thanks for the linkage!
It’s great to see a picture of a real beautiful woman, thank you Teach.
Happy T Day!
I’m thankful to contribute to global warming by still breathing