Should anyone be surprised that a Warmist, and one working for the United Nations, no less, is less than enthused about democracy?
(Bloomberg) China, the top emitter of greenhouse gases, is also the country that’s “doing it right†when it comes to addressing global warming, the United Nations’ chief climate official said.
The nation has some of the toughest energy-efficiency standards for buildings and transportation and its support for photovoltaic technology helped reduce solar-panel costs by 80 percent since 2008, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said yesterday in an interview at Bloomberg News headquarters in New York. (snip)
China is also able to implement policies because its political system avoids some of the legislative hurdles seen in countries including the U.S., Figueres said.
Key policies, reforms and appointments are decided at plenums, or meeting of the governing Communist Party’s more than 200-strong Central Committee. The National People’s Congress, China’s unicameral legislature, largely enforces decisions made by the party and other executive organs.
The political divide in the U.S. Congress has slowed efforts to pass climate legislation and is “very detrimental†to the fight against global warming, she said.
Here’s what former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl had to say about Figueres (via Climate Depot)
I hope that this story will open the eyes of many people who will be lucky to learn about it and who will realize that the actual goal of the climatism is to liquidate democracy, freedom, and prosperity in the world.
It’s the very ability of the one-party system to neutralize the opposition of any kind that is so intriguing for Ms Figueres and thousands of champions of the climate alarmism. It’s what their talk about the “consensus” and the dissatisfaction with the “contrarians” is all about.
The goal of these people is to stop democracy, freedom, and prosperity regardless of the fate of Nature, the temperatures, or the CO2 concentrations.
Warmists will tell you that that is all poppy-cock, that they love democracy, yet, they do everything in their power to shut down Skeptics, to stop free speech, freedom of the press, scientific inquiry, all opposition. Progressives want one party rule. Period.

That is all poppy-cock, and I love democracy, and although science deniers are entitled to spread their lies, I do wish they’d stop. But the best antidote to false information from the deniers is the truth, repeated and re-repeated.
In Western nations there is no autocratic mechanism for commanding the citizens to abide by decrees, so your paranoia is unjustified. Here in the US, Democrats will have to win enough elections to overcome the denier elites’ love of pollution and the wealthy and their complete disdain for hoi polloi.
Apparently JeffyPoop has never heard of Executive Orders or “rule making” by agencies.
The rest of his comment is typical, unsupported BS from him.
Nothing to see here…. just move along…..
You must really get a charge out of calling people names. It is nice to have the internet so that cowards can get by with unpleasant activity. But, in doing so, you clearly lose any ability to be taken serious. Then you lie and are caught in the act.
Now, you go on and on about carbonic acid in the oceans and how tons of CO2 is deposited there and turns the ocean acidic. But, you can not indicate the concentration that has been measured. That is because the measurement does not fit the theory. Then, you and your group say the pH is low, but they don’t indicate where. Many maps show that the lower pH is concentrated in only certain areas. Then they leave out the fact that carbonic acid is not stable but rapidly breaks down into bicarbonate, a base. So, once again, what is the predominate acid resulting in the lower pH?
And, how does CO2 get to the upper atmosphere? So far you have only indicated mountain climbers and others that don’t make sense.
As to KKK references, that is very, very racist. How do you know my color? Because I don’t agree with you? So you are saying that a black man only thinks like you. For that matter, what is my religion, after all, my name is David. So, you go beyond being unpleasant but are a confirmed racist and bigot. You need help.
You clearly have not seen the use of carbon credits to modify the activity of some of the South American countries. Then, if you think we live in a free society, you are delusional. In fact, I really think you are ill. Note the recent downgrading of our freedom that is making headlines today. All that thanks to your great leader.
J- “But the best antidote to false information from the deniers is the truth, repeated and repeated.” No, J, the best antidote would be to show the data, which you can’t because you don’t. And it’s not the truth, it’s a mantra, repeated over and over again.
pH is measurement of free hydrogen ion [H+] in a solution, nothing more, and is expressed as the negative of the log of the molar concentration. For example, absolutely pure water has a measured pH of 7, meaning the H20 (or HOH) contains 1×10-7 M/L of H+. Where does it come from? Well, HOH >> H+ + OH-. You may recall that water exists at about 55 M/L, therefore 0.0000001/55 means that about 0.0000002% of water is dissociated into H+ and OH- at any one time. Obviously, H20 is pretty stable. A pH = 7 is considered “neutral”.
H2CO3 (carbonic acid) is a “weak” acid, meaning in solution it does not fully dissociate. A “strong” acid, such as hydrochloric (HCl), when added to water, fully dissociates into H+ (hydrogen ion) and Cl- (chloride ion). If I add enough HCl to water to make a solution of 1×10-3 M/L, the pH will be, you guessed it, about 3! Carbonic acid does not fully dissociate into H+ and HCO3-. HCO3- does not fully dissociate into H+ and CO3-/- either.
Therfore, HCO3- is technically not a base since it can further donate another H+ to the solution!
When you dissolve CO2 in seawater, you get the reaction CO2 + HOH = H2CO3, but most CO2 exists in water as dissolved CO2, not the weak acid H2CO3. Seawater is a solution of water (54 M/L), Na+(500 mM/L, Cl- (500 mM/L) and other less abundant minerals. The pH is about 8.1, or about 1×10-8 M/L H+. This represents a drop of about 0.1 pH unit since preindustrial times and represents an almost 30% increase in H+ concentration (pH is logarithmic scale).
If you have a better explanation for why the ocean pH is dropping I’d be interested in hearing it. My interpretation could be wrong. Is there another acid being added? Is there a base being removed?
But if you are only interested in semantic games, I prefer not to play.
Okay, I will do my best to keep my carbon footprint smaller than the high priest’s of the Church of Global Warming, Al Gore. Heck, I will even do better, I will keep it smaller than BO’s in the White House and his Hawaii-vacationing family and friends at Oprah’s 2nd, 3rd, whatever number of house there in Hawaii. Even if they rowed boats to get there for vacation, I don’t sweat I can still beat their carbon footprint. Do you happen to know if they did row boats there?
Amazing, you really did not understand anything that you wrote. All I am asking is what is the concentrations of acid in the ocean. You can easily measure this. Yet you will not find any climate article with the numbers. So, as a climate advocate, what is the concentration of carbonic acid in the seas? I am not interested is your assumptions, just give me a reference to the hard data. I you can find one, I can’t.
Valuable contribution, there. I don’t have any specific information about how the First Family made their way to Hawaii.
If I may ask, why are you interested?
Why do you say I understand nothing of what I wrote? It’s quite basic acid/base chemistry. A more accurate statement is that you don’t understand what I wrote and are thrashing about. Whatever.
The concentration of H+ (acid) in the ocean is 1 x 10-8 M/L as I said. As I stated in a much earlier comment, a chemist can calculate the H2CO3 concentration from seawater pH and atmospheric CO2 concentration.
Didn’t you previously state you knew what the acid was in the ocean and it isn’t H2CO3? Are you ready yet to tell us what it is?
CO2 + HOH == H2CO3 == H+ + HCO3- == H+ + CO3-/-
As you add CO2 to seawater (it slowly equilibrates from the atmosphere) you remove an H+ from water causing the pH to drop. This also changes the concentrations of HCO3- and CO3-/-.
You also stated that HCO3- is a base and somehow negates the H+ ion concentration. Wow. It’s true that if you add pure HCO3- (e.g., as NaHCO3) to the ocean it would shift the equilibrium and buffer the H+ concentration. Is that what you meant? Otherwise, the bicarbonate that results from increased CO2 comes with an H+ ion.
Saturday morning links
White Food: “Anytime somebody orders a corned beef sandwich on white bread with mayonnaise, somewhere in the world, a Jew dies.†Forget deer birth control, State opens special hunting season in Ithaca area I recommend importing a few wolf packs