Of course not. Because there are no mechanisms built in to “climate change” that allow for the hypothesis to be invalidated
A pause in global warming does not disprove a human role in climate change
A pause in the pace of global warming does not invalidate research that links climate change to human activity, national science academies in the United States and the United Kingdom said in a joint report last week.
While the science in some areas of climate change continues to evolve, man’s contribution to warming, sea-level increases and the decline in Arctic sea ice is “more certain than ever,†according to the academies. The report by the top scientists in two countries is meant to answer common questions on climate change in language non-scientists can understand.
How can the “science” continue to evolve when they specifically, forcefully, constantly told us that “the science is settled”? Sea level is not out of the ordinary for a typical Holocene warm period. The Arctic has been ice free before, and the talking point about it being ice free in 2013 was a pure fail. In fact, the same Washington Post reported that the Arctic hit a 35 year high.
“Our expectation as scientists always was to see very complex changes in the average temperature of the planet, and that’s exactly what we see,†Benjamin Santer, research scientist at California’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, said at a briefing. “The key point is that the stasis — slowdown — as people have termed it over the last 15 years, does not fundamentally invalidate our understanding of the human effects on climate.â€
Except, 95% of the models have failed. In real science, scientists would look back at their assumptions and the data and reevaluate them. With the “climate change” cult, they instead change the data and their talking points to fit the assumption that the changes are mostly/solely mankind’s fault. And wrap cold and snow are caused by a warming world. And blame nature for the pause
Temporary cooling from increased volcanic activity or other emissions does not undermine climate models that aim to predict the rate of warming, Santer said.
Hmph. So nature can cause the pause, but it can’t be responsible for the warming. Science! Well, cult. What will they say if the “pause” continues for years and possibly decades? If anyone is a denier, it is the Warmists.

[…] The Pirate’s Cove – A Pause In Warming Doesn’t Disprove Human Caused Hotcoldwetdry Or Something […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – A Pause In Warming Doesn’t Disprove Human Caused Hotcoldwetdry Or Something […]
Miami and Tuscon are having their hottest winters EVAH!!
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – A Pause In Warming Doesn’t Disprove Human Caused Hotcoldwetdry Or Something […]
Thing is, from the Eighties through the Nineties we were told that human influence was either the only cause or at least the major</b one. And xertainly [local] conditions are influenced by humans, look at the Aral Sea.
Now the "in" thing for the computer models is "we didn't predict the pause because we did not put in natural causes" – which, again, we had been assured had been in the models. The known nino/ninz cycles, ocean "decadal" cycles, etc. Oh, and volcanos. Now, the "sunspot" cycles may have been a legitimate omission because while the timing was known the amount of increase-decrease was not.
Actually, John, Miami is 3rd warmist on record. Tuscon is beating their previous record by a whopping 0.3. Can you tell the difference with 0.3, John?
Unless you’re playing having a Scrabble champion, most players take a great deal to strategize and build a word
that would give them the very best advantage. Unfortunately for cheaters who
use anagram solvers, the tool would only let them have lists of
words they can build however, not necessarily let them know where to place it.
In order to get to the castle, the plucky plumbers must plow through 8 “worlds.
WT: “How can the “science†continue to evolve when they specifically, forcefully, constantly told us that “the science is settledâ€?”
That the Earth is warming because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is “settled”, but that is not to say that all aspects of climate change are understood. The effect of the theory of gravity is “settled” but we still do not understand the fundamental nature of the process. It is “settled” that cancer cells grow faster than most normal cells, but we still conduct research on the fundamental nature of cancer growth. You play semantic games to score debate points but don’t appear to think very deeply about the subject. I suspect you have typed the question, “If man evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?”, before.
WT: “The Arctic has been ice free before, and the talking point about it being ice free in 2013 was a pure fail. In fact, the same Washington Post reported that the Arctic hit a 35 year high.”
Here’s the title of WaPO article: Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year record high Saturday
To a Coolist, the Arctic and Antarctic may seem the same, but to a scientist (or a fifth grader) one has the North Pole (polar bears) and one contains a continent (Antarctica), the South Pole ( and penguins). At first I thought it was a typo, but you used it to buttress your point about Arctic ice. Epic fail!
WT: “In real science, scientists would look back at their assumptions and the data and reevaluate them. With the “climate change†cult, they instead change the data and their talking points to fit the assumption that the changes are mostly/solely mankind’s fault.”
Climate scientists are constantly reevaluating old data, evaluating new data and challenging their assumptions. You just don’t like the conclusions. Do you have evidence to support your charge that “they instead change the data”?
Science is hard. The rate of warming of the Earth’s surface has apparently slowed (the “pause”). The surface temperature record is not static – because of changes in inputs (the sun has warm and cool periods, the atmosphere and surface can reflect varying amounts of the sun’s radiation due to aerosols and albedo), changes in heat distribution between oceans and surface (PDO, ENSO, AMO) and changes in radiation retention (greenhouse gases).
The Earth is warming. The ocean is warming more rapidly now, the atmosphere less rapidly. Where is this heat coming from? The all-natural sun. Why is the Earth warming? More of the all-natural sun’s heat is being retained by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
No Jeff, there is nothing “settled”. You have not answered my question about the acid in the oceans, so your theory is out the window as that is the basis of your religious devotion to this principal. You just don’t understand the relation or don’t want to let everyone know the truth.
That the Earth is warming because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is “settledâ€, but that is not to say that all aspects of climate change are understood.
Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?
The fact of the matter is that the “science” is not settled nor is there a consensus that AGW is happening.
Do you have evidence to support your charge that “they instead change the data�
You mean Climategate didn’t happen and isn’t happening? You mean Mann’s claims that his work was peer reviewed an exonerated was the truth?
Man, you are delusional.
Sorry Jeffery, but you have shown that you are unwilling to look at facts that don’t support your views.
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – A Pause In Warming Doesn’t Disprove Human Caused Hotcoldwetdry Or Something […]