Interestingly, he seems less upset over Iran than he does with fellow Americans who disagree with Obama politically
(The Hill) President Obama on Friday criticized Iranian leaders for undermining the “spirit†of last year’s historic nuclear agreement, even as they stick to the “letter†of the pact.
Of course, Iran has actually broken the “letter” of the pact, not just the “spirit”, but, one should not expect Obama to criticize, because his “legacy” depends on Iran being good little boys (not girls, because women aren’t treated that well).
In comments following the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Obama denied speculation that the United States would ease rules preventing dollars from being used in financial transactions with Iran, in order to boost the country’s engagement with the rest of the world.
Instead, Obama claimed, that Iran’s troubles even after the lifting of sanctions under the nuclear deal were due to its continued support of Hezbollah, ballistic missile tests and other aggressive behavior.
These are little things in Obama’s World Of Cares. He must be very surprised that Iran is doing these things. If only someone could have foreseen this.
“Iran so far has followed the letter of the agreement, but the spirit of the agreement involves Iran also sending signals to the world community and businesses that it is not going to be engaging in a range of provocative actions that are going to scare businesses off,†Obama said at a press conference.
“When they launch ballistic missiles with slogans calling for the destruction of Israel, that makes businesses nervous.â€
Really? It makes businesses nervous? How about the people in the nation that is being threatened with destruction, and has the most concern when it comes to Iran building a nuclear weapons, which they are allowed to do in just 8-10 years? Think they might be nervous? Think Obama cares?
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Israel has 200 nukes NOW and the means to launch them
Iran has none and neither
Israel is 25% Arab now but in 10 years that number will increase to 33% the Israelis must soon make a choice of making some citizens politically invisible, like Blacks were in South Africa Those 10 and 12 year old kids throwing stones and getting roughed up and arrested? How do you think they will vote?
The supreme leader of Iran says that they use of nuclear weapons is forbidden by Muslim law
The Israelis have no prohibition on use
Only a retard would wonder why.
[…] William Teach looks at how the super great Iran deal is panning out […]
Good one-Yes, John, think real hard and see if you can figure out why Israel has so many nukes.
I suppose that it’s not that surprising that a man as egotistical as President Obama is also so ego-centric that he simply cannot understand that not everybody thinks the way he does. Conservatives knew that the Iranians would take advantage of every possible weakness in the agreement — if they didn’t violate it outright — if they saw such to be in their own interests.
[…] Teach on the Pirate’s Cove: Obama Has A Sad That Iran’s Not Following The “Spirit†Of The Nuclear Deal I suppose that it’s not that surprising that a man as egotistical as President Obama is also […]
“Israel is 25% Arab now but in 10 years that number will increase to 33% the Israelis must soon make a choice of making some citizens politically invisible …”
So maybe someday under hypothetical circumstances that may or may not actually come about, Israel will deprive its Arab citizens of their civil rights.
But in the mean time, on the actual Planet Earth that we live on, Arabs in Israel have full legal rights, the same legal rights that Jews, Christians, and atheists in Israel have.
Let’s compare that to the legal status of non-Muslims in Arab countries. How many Arab countries can you name where a person can convert from Islam to another religion and NOT be arrested, possibly even executed? How many Arab countries can you name where non-Muslims are not actively persecuted by the government? Of the 57 Muslim nations in the world, I think the only one that does not persecute non-Muslims is Turkey, and they’re starting to look shaky.
I once came across this interesting claim, I’d be happy to hear if someone can show that it’s not true: As you may know, Muslims are divided into two major sects, Shia and Sunni. And members of these sects routinely oppress each other. So the claim is: In every country in the Middle East except one, only one of these sects as full legal rights, while the other is persecuted. The one exception: Israel, where all Muslims have full legal rights.
So your position is that we’re supposed to condemn Israel for what you speculate they might do someday based on zero evidence. But not a word of criticism for what Arab countries actually do every day.
If Iran does launch a nuclar attack on Israel, I’m sure we will be told that the absolute worst thing that could happen would be if this led Americans to say mean things about Muslims.