Because why not?
(Daily Caller)  Egypt’s top intelligence official stated Tuesday that the 1940’s cartoon “Tom & Jerry†is to blame for the escalating violence in the Middle East, not radical Islamic terrorism.
“[Tom & Jerry] portrays violence in a funny manner,†Salah Abdel Sadeq said in a speech at “The Media and the Culture of Violence†conference at Cairo University. “It gives the impression that, yes, I can hit him, and I can blow him up with explosives. It becomes set in the viewer’s mind that this is naturalâ€
Abdel Sadeq — who heads up Egypt’s State Information Service — further stated that violent video games also share part of the blame.
“Video games are spreading,†he noted. “it has become normal for a young man to sit for long hours playing video games, killing and spilling blood. He is happy and content with that.â€
Yeah, I’m thinking it is more a case of a religion that has become more and more violent over the past 50 years. Not that they weren’t ultra violent when Mohamed was on the scene. And the violence is a direct result of what the Koran says.
Here’s my favorite

That’s as stupid as John Kerry, Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Bill Nye, blaming global warming for islamic violence. Some of them place the blame directly, while some like Barack imply with hedged legalese and having their spokesholes make the claim for them.
That must mean that a couple of seasons of Wile E. Coyote would finish them off, right?
That grater across the cat’s butt scene was funny!