…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat trekking the vast-less carbon pollution raised seas of the future, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Astute Bloggers, with a post on Trump supporting Internet freedom.

…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat trekking the vast-less carbon pollution raised seas of the future, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Astute Bloggers, with a post on Trump supporting Internet freedom.
They’re really getting desperate…
Nice tiller stance. Im working on fixing a TillerMaster for my friend’s sailboat. So he can have his hands free to work the trot lines. Maybe he could import a hot Russian chick to man the tiller instead.
President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.
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Oops! Most corrupt administration ever..
Bush administration illegally deleted 22,000,000 emails from a private RNC server.
And once again, Jeffery tries the “look what they did” defense without ever realizing the situations were different.
As usual, a massive fail on his part.
The main difference being that in one case it was Secretary Clinton and in one case it wasn’t.
Massive fail on gc’s part, as usual.
AND YOUR POINT J E F F E R Y is well taken…..These politicans are all a bunch of lying weasels bastages who dont deserve to be in the employ of the PUBLIC to start with……
Thats your point right……..
You seem to want to justify Hillary’s ILLEGAL ACTIONS by saying bUH>>>BUH>>>>BUH>>>>BUTTTT B U S H did it.
When things are really bad the left involkes Bush.
But cheer up Jeffery…..HIllary cant lose….the Democrats have managed to build an electoral college supermajority by allowing millions of illegals to swarm over the border and begin voting for their favorite DEM….as in Colorado used to be so red it was not funny…..Now when you visit Colorado it looks like Tijuana….Nevada…yep…..Arizona they are run out or Arizona would be blue now too……People I know around the country most specifically in Ohio tell me that they have seen thousands of Middle easteners as well as Hispanics flown in and dropped off via airliner to fill up that state with good old fashioned DEM votes.
Im telling you….the stuff our politicians are doing is going to lead to a civil war…..this is going beyond the pale for either side to egregiously break the law for POLITICAL GAIN…..we have become a third world country when it comes to our politics now.
Illegal immigrants are voting this time?
If Clinton wins it will be because her staff and the DNC was better prepared state-by-state to get their voters to the polls. Happened in 2008 and 2012. Her people are outworking the lazy Trump.
Your comments read like a psychopath’s ransom note and are filled with conspiracies, e.g.,
Really? Where are they staying? Motels? Are good Dems boarding them?
Only the Dems have allowed illegal immigration? In fact, under Obama (D) we’ve had more emigrants than immigrants! Did Mssrs Reagan (R), Bush 1 (R), Bush 2 (R) stop the immigrants? Can “illegals” vote? Texas has a high percentage of undocumented residents, why haven’t “illegals” turned the state blue?
I can’t disagree much that the Tea Party and now Trump make us look like a banana republic. We are harvesting the results of our rightward lurch into extremist conservative “theory” starting in the 80s; income inequality, corporate perfidy, crumbling infrastructure.