…is evil carbon polluting meat, which causes extreme snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the economic “recovery”.

…is evil carbon polluting meat, which causes extreme snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the economic “recovery”.
Hillary says she voted to stop illegal immigration, build a fence, and blames the mexican government for pushing their people north. She sounded exactly like Trump.
Wow the stuff released by wiki leaks today on clinton.
The left are collectively a “bucket of losers” And the right are a basket of deplorables.
LOLOLOLOL…and this woman wants to lead losers and deplorables.
Teach: Will you be selling Trump’s new campaign bumper sticker, “Grab ’em by the Pussy!”.
Thanks GOP.
The problem isn’t Donald “Grab ’em by the Pussy” Trump – he’s just a symptom of the greater sickness – the surge in respectability of far-right thought. Of course far-right men demean women and anyone who is not far-right. While decent Americans are horrified by what Trump said, far-right men – “good” Christian white guys – find what he said to be just part of everyday guy-talk.
Rich white pigs like Donnie, Rush and Sean talk (and act) like that all the time.
How can either of these candidates be defended.
The left always says the right is obsessed with SEX but now its the other way around.
The right has a sex maniac running for prez and the left is incensed…..lololol…..
Its really not a laughing matter but hell after awhile you gotta laugh at the sheer stupidity of both parties for what they have inflicted on themselves.
T E R M L I M I T S!!!!!’