From the Big Government loving Republik Of California, we see that minor things will get you in big trouble
(Fox News) A Northern California woman is facing potential jail time after she joining a Facebook food group and sold some of the meals she cooked online, which county officials say is illegal.
San Joaquin County officials cited Mariza Reulas, of Stockton, for selling her signature dish ceviche over the internet. Reulas now faces a trial and possible jail time for her sales.
“It was just like unreal that they were saying you could face up to a year in jail,†said Reulas.
According to Fox 40 Sacramento, Reulas joined a Facebook group called 209 Food Spot where people from Stockton can shared recipes, organized potlucks and occasionally sold what they cooked.
This is an America where law enforcement shows up to shut down lemonade stands run by children.
On Dec. 3, 2015, someone contacted Reulas online and asked her for her ceviche. That person turned out to be an undercover San Joaquin County investigator in a sting operation to nab those selling food without special permits. Reulas and around a dozen others were cited for two misdemeanors for “operating a food facility and engaging in business without a permit.â€
You read that correctly. The county actually ran a sting on an online food group, apparently having solved all other crime in the county. Ms Reulas refused to take a plea deal which would put her on probation for, get this, 3 years. For selling food.
Now, you can understand the prohibition to a degree, being an attempt to safeguard people. But, up to a year in jail? Seriously? She should plead the Comey Exclusion, in that she might have been extremely careless, but there was no intent.
Let’s put this into perspective. Hillary committed perjury, she transmitted information that ran the gamut from sensitive State Dept information all the way up to the most classified national secrets, she had her maid (with no security clearance) print them out, and her server was most likely hacked. And so much more. Then there’s all the Clinton Foundation shenanigans.
Huma Abedin, a part of all the server and Foundation shenanigans, signed a form saying she turned in all her State Dept. material. Then 650k emails were found on an unsecured computer owned by her pervert husband. No charges.
All the others inside the Clinton circle, who lied and were a part of everything? No charges.
Yet, this peon woman faces a year in jail for selling food. John Edwards was right, there are two Americas. There’s the political aristocracy, which pretty much gets away with everything, and then there’s the rest of us.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

It’s likely Mariza Reulas will get by with little if any punishment. Do you oppose laws requiring business licenses and food safety laws?
Donald Trump has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple women, including juveniles and has never been charged. So what’s your point? It’s easier to be rich and powerful? duh
Monday morning links
Budweiser Turned Around This Incredible Cubs World Series Ad Overnight Archery Hunter Stops Bear Charge with One Arrow Enough with the Empathy I think people often use the word empathy when they just mean sympathy I thought the Male Gaze was a b
“undercover San Joaquin County investigator” Who is he/she? Name some names, provide an office address and even a home address. Picket, demonstrate and shame this useless person.
Jeffrey: Yes, I do oppose business licenses. In what fucking ‘land of the free’ does any government have the right to tell any citizen whether they can or cannot undertake a business?
As for food safety laws, they are in theory a good idea, but have been utterly perverted by the left and bureaucrats as to amount to exclusionary rules, just like business licenses.
The current major function of both is to hamper competition with established businesses, and to provide pay for useless civil servants and graft to politicos.
Mr. Z,
Do you also oppose local restrictions on the purchasing and selling of sex acts? 18 year old women have something older men want and find hard to obtain for free (except for Trump who grabs them by the pussy). An attractive 18 yr old can easily make a $100,000 a year selling her services. Is the gov’t overstepping its bounds by regulating her business.
How about a doctor who advertises “First Trimester Abortions – $200”. Should she be subject to business regulations?
Mr Z weren’t you required to read The Jungle by Sinclair Lewis?
Conservatives are always the first to scream about government failings to protect its citizens from unscrupulous business practices like dirty slaughterhouses.
But not from a woman selling uncooked fish.
Teach you did realize that ceivche IS uncooked fish and definitely requires extra care in safely preperation
Looks like just one more investigation that turned up nothing that the FBI thought was worthy of turning over to the DOJ with a recommendation to prosecute.
Intent IS important. If a CIA agent leaves a computer on a train with classified info he would NEVER be prosecute, as there was no criminal intent. H might very well lose or not lose his security clearance
Instead of devoting all that effort into destroying Clinton they should have instead tried to develope meaningful policies to help solve problems. What HAS the Congress done?
Will you be surprised when the Senate turns Blue?
There have been people who have left laptops on trains and been prosecuted john. Try to keep up.
“Intent” is not part of the statute. Once again, you show your ignorance.
However, it is hard to argue that a woman who set up a server without notifying the government as per the law, and knowingly sent classified information over that server had no intent.
Do you think the server just magically appeared out of faery dust and unicorn farts? Do you think she was not the one hitting “send?” Do you think her housekeeper handling classified information without security clearance and under the direct orders of Clinton just “happened?”
A corrupt Secretary of State IS a problem john. A corrupt IRS IS a problem.
What no one has seem to catch on here in the drivel from Jeffery and john is that both seem to be ignorant in what a business license does.
The license only grants the legal “privilege” to operate a business.
A license does not impose health and safety regulations on the business itself. That’s a whole ‘nother can o’ worms.
The question therefore conservatives ask is “what is the basis for the government controlling whether a person can enter the marketplace?”
“Under what theory does the government have the right to restrict a person through licensing to make a living?”
It’s clear that our liberal friends don’t know what businesses do or what is required of them
What has that got to do with the Mariza Reulas miscarriage of justice?? AND…
What has this to do with the Mariza Reules miscarriage of justice? Do you have ADD? You seem to have a difficult time keeping on point.
John, as gitarcarver pointed out, a business license has nothing to do with:
And that little guy who lied about serving in the Army has been accused of assraping his grandson!
He’s never been charged either…!
See how that works, little guy?
Soldier on.